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after the three of us had breakfast we drove to the warehouse. we gotta film a video for the gaming channel. they were trying to win the impossible quiz. i wasnt really needed so i was just going for moral support, but i used to play the impossible quiz all the time when it came out so if the boys need any tips i got them.

we arrived and walked into the warehouse to see jimmy and chris were there already. "hey man long time no see!" karl said "hey karl! how you feeling buddy?" jimmy hugged karl and chris hugged him too. we all walked into the recording area and the boys sat down at their computers, while i grabbed a chair and sat between karl and chandler. i leaned over to karl and whispered "ill help you" he looked at me and insisted he didnt need help but im very sure he will later.

everything was ready, the cameras started and jimmy introduced the video. "hey guys welcome back to the gaming channel and today were gunna try beat the impossible quiz! we got chandler and chris and karl! also y/n is here but they arnt playing. if one of us doesn't complete this quiz, we all have to take a bath in beans." chris' face lit up "yay the beans are back!" everyone laughed "we have three hours to do this and time!" karl started the quiz and read the first question. he got it right away and i have a feeling hes done this before. either that or hes just lucky. im gunna go with the latter because he is stuck on the second one right after. "what the honk am i even mean to do..?" heh... its cute when he says what the honk.

karl was on 98 and they all had about ten minutes left and by this point, chandler and chris had given up so it was just karl and jimmy left. karl was very close to the end with one life left "i gotta skip this question its so hard!" he said, in defeat. "karl you dont wanna do that." i advised "you have been saying it this whole time ive been playing but i just gotta!" he replied "well... dont say i didnt warn you." karl finally did the 99th question and he read the screen "i hope you saved all your skips!" karls face dropped. you needed to keep all of your skips to finish the game. karl looked at the screen shocked. "and thats time!" jimmy declared "guess were taking a bath in beans guys." he continued. karl looked up at me "i dont- why did-" i laughed at him "i told you!" i grabbed karls hand and pulled him out the chair. "lets go get you in that bath of beans" he facepalmed and we all walked outside, where there was a bath and well ya know, beans. karl had to get in first. they were doing it one at a time since it was pretty small.

he got in the bath and started gagging "oh god this is awful" i laughed at him and he glared at me, in a joking way. when karl got out, his clothes were heavy and he smelt really bad. "you know your gunna have to drive home like that karl. your car is gunna reek forever." i pointed out. he groaned. "hey y/n. gimme a hug" karl smirked. i panicked and started running. i look behind me and karl was chasing after me, all of a sudden he jumped on top of me and we both fell to the floor. i was now also covered in beans, we laughed and stood back up as jimmy did he outro.

we were all walking back to the car, covered in beans, when karl said "hey do you guys wanna come back to my place?" i nodded but chandler said he wanted to go back to our house to take a shower so it was gunna be me and karl. alone. 

we dropped chandler off at our house and started driving to karls "my roommates arnt gunna be there when we get back, they all had to run some errands. is that okay?" he said, looking over at me. "oh yeah totally i dont mind, id love to spend some alone time with you!" karl smiled and looked back at the road "cool... well im probably gunna take a shower as well when we get back, is that okay?" i nodded "only if i can take one too now that you've covered me in beans" karl said that was okay and we pulled up to karls house and got out the car.

once we got inside karl went upstairs to take a shower while i hung back in his bedroom. after like five minutes, karl poked his head around the door. he was dripping wet with a towel around his waist and his hair was soaked. he also smelt a lot better than before. "hey you wanna watch a movie?" he asked, obviously i said yes so karl proceeded to dry himself off and get changed in the bathroom. when he was dressed we walked downstairs into the front room and put on a movie. whilst he did that i took a quick shower. after, i got dressed again and went downstairs to see karl with a movie on, cabin in the woods. neither of us had ever seen it before but its a horror-comedy. so that sounds good i guess.

after we watched the movie i told karl i had to go home so he nodded and said goodbye as i left. ill probably end up hanging out with him tomorrow too so im not to sad that i have to leave

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(horror) movie night || karl jacobs x readerWhere stories live. Discover now