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the dinner that chandler made was actually really lovely "this is cool chan, we should do this more often" chandler reached his had across the table and grabbed mine "yeah we should" my face heated up a little at the contact but its nothing im sure. i felt my phone buzz so i picked it up and it was karl. he sent a photo of himself to me "aw karl sent me a pic look how cute!" i showed chandler and he smiled but it seemed kinda forced "why dont you put the phone down for a while and lets go play smash" i nodded in response to his offer, turned my phone off and grabbed a controller.

after play smash with chandler for a few hours i decided i was really tired and walked off to my room. i turned my phone back on and saw the messages i had from karl


hey hey hey
hey y/n >:(
are you hanging out with chandler cause you should hang with me instead:(

yikes. i kinda feel bad for not talking to karl but also we spend a lot of time together so i dont feel that bad. i texted him back apologising and telling him he could come over to my place to hang with me and chandler before we went to work. he said yes and seemed excited so with that i put my phone down and drifted off to sleep.

i woke up to feel a poking on my shoulder. it was karl! "karl what are you doing here?" i sat up. "welll i missed you so i decided to come over earlier! chandler let me in." i panicked a little cause i had literally just woke up and i probably look a mess "i missed you too but csn you just like step outside so i can get dressed" karl stood up, nodded and walked outside

i walked out into the hallway and saw chandler. he walked up to me "hey man... hows it going?" i replied saying it was going good, then out of nowhere he said "im gunna ask y/n out" it took me by surprise "what? are you sure?" i stood up a bit taller and looked chandler in the eyes "cause i don't remember y/n kissing you." i said, trying so hard to mask the fact that i wasn't actually angry, more sad but i didnt wanna seem weak. "what are you talking about" chandler responded, confused "me and y/n... we kissed after our date the other day" i said in a nervous tone whist i was thinking about how much fun it was. chandler looked annoyed. chandler and i are boys and i dont think ive ever had a rivalry like this before... certainly not over someone else. its sad cause, like i said, chandler and i are good friends. "im still gunna ask them out." chandler said. i stood there, kinda disappointed. hes still gunna do it after i told him that? also i dont know why but it never occurred to me that i could just ask y/n out. "well you cant do that if i do it first!" i said. this started a child-like argument between him and i.

"whats going on here?" y/n walked out of their room, clean and dressed. me and chandler looked at each other and i sighed "nothing" chandler look confused "are you not gunna ask?" i shook my head and told chandler that me and him were friends and this is a petty rivalry and it wasnt worth losing our friendship. he agreed "okay i still have idea whats going on." y/n said. we all laughed and went downstairs "do yall wanna go get some breakfast? i know a café little cafe we can go to?" chandler suggested. me and y/n liked the idea so we all got in the car with me and y/n in the front and chandler in the back.

we were on the way there when y/n said "hey karl can i ask you something? its about the date.." oh god their gunna ask about the kiss "why did you have condoms in here?" my face went beet red. that was not the question i was expecting. "uhh what" i said. "well i just remember cause were in the car so yaknow" i could hear chandler trying not to laugh. "oh uh well just in case we needed them" chandler burst out laughing "oh my god bro! thats so embarrassed i would hate to be you right now" i facepalmed and y/n laughed too "yeah that is pretty funny karl" damn.

we finally got to the café after an awkward car ride. it was pretty cute. we got sat down at a booth and y/n said they had to go to the bathroom, so it was just me and chandler. "sooo... what should we do about y/n" chandler asked "what do you mean?" i said in response. "well we both like y/n but we dont wanna fight cause were boys so..?" that is a good point... should probably think of a solution soon cause might be coming back "we could both take y/n on a date and make them decide straight after?" chandler suggested "or we could just wait and let y/n pick for themselves" he continued "i like the second option better"

y/n came back and sat down next to me. chandler walked up to the counter to order drinks and food. i put a hand on top of y/ns and their face seemed to go a little pink. "hey, we should come here together another time... alone." i suggested "i would love that."

971 words

(horror) movie night || karl jacobs x readerWhere stories live. Discover now