🍋Haikyuu!! - Yuu Nishinoya X Female Reader - The Equal to a Man - Part 2

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Yuu Nishinoya X Female Reader - The Equal to a Man - Part 2

Warning: Smut. Very obvious rule breaking. Public(?) sex. Safe sex. King of consent.


As the title suggests, this is a continuation of the previous part. I am a bit obsessed with the Y/N that I have created. In all honesty, I am a sucker for strong female characters that do not take crap from anyone. They make my little, feminist, pansexual heart so happy. Like, please step on me you marvelous goddess. Imma stop now. Enjoy the smut. Wait. For legal reasons: Y/N was held back when she was little, so she is 17. That is the legal age of consent where I am from, so please do not like... attack me if it's different where you are from.


The night that you and Nishinoya confessed your feelings to each other did not end the way that the rest of the team thought it had. After Hinata had failed to keep the whole incident a secret, everyone was certain that the two of you had done very scandalous things in the locker room. In reality, the boy had walked you home after a very soft make-out session, and that was the end of it. Unfortunately, it only took a few days for the spicy rumor to reach Coach Ukai's ears. You both had been pulled from practice so that he could have an extremely serious and exceptionally scary talk with you about not having sex in the locker room. Despite the both of you vehemently denying the accusation, Coach Ukai decided that the two of you would be assigned someone to watch the both of you closely during the Tokyo training camp, and as long as you behaved, then he would not report the rumor to your parents. During the camp, Kiyoko would be glued to your side, while Hinata would be practically tied to Nishinoya. Neither of you were allowed to go anywhere without your little chaperons.

At first, you both found this arrangement entertaining. It was fun to steal brief kisses while no one was watching. To the two of you, it was almost like a game. However, by the end of the second day of the training camp, the inability to spend time alone together was already extraordinarily infuriating. During the day, Kiyoko would sometimes wander away so that the two of you could talk alone. She was not the issue. It was Hinata. The short decoy took his job as chaperon very seriously--reasoning that he did not want either of you to get in trouble. Whenever Kiyoko would leave, he would show up as if out of nowhere. While his intentions were genuine and sensible, you were tempted to knock him unconscious just so that you could talk to your new boyfriend without a second pair of ears around.

At the end of practice on the third day of camp, you covertly passed a note to Nishinoya, before heading back to your room with Kiyoko and Yachi. On the small slip of paper, you had detailed a fool-proof way to get the alone time that you both desperately needed. It was quite straightforward: sneak out when everyone was asleep and meet in one of the gyms. You felt like a genius--Hinata could not get in the way if he were sleeping.

When it was time to put your plan in action, you carefully crept out of your room--careful not to wake Kiyoko and Yachi--before tiptoeing down each hall, and opening and closing every door like it was set to blare an alarm if you were too forceful. Approaching the meeting spot, you saw Nishinoya standing in the darkest place next to one of the gyms. His back was leant against the wall as he stared down at his phone. The glow from the screen accentuated the sharpness of his features and made his still damp hair glisten softly. You thought he seemed rather sexy standing there in the darkness with his hair down--you loved when his hair was down. Furthermore, perhaps it was the excitement of breaking the rules, but you felt a bit warm just at the sight of Nishinoya.

"Hey, Noya," you whispered, gently.

He jumped slightly at the sound of your voice. "Y/N!" Swiftly, he shoved his phone in the pocket of his black sweatpants, before stepping forward and embracing you tightly. "Man, I've been wanting to do this the entire trip."

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