❤️‍🔥MHA - Dabi - Tender Loving Care

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Silence choked the air. Bandages, fluids, and bags of chips and snacks lay scattered on the coffee table. Darkness clung in the room's corners, interrupted by the fractured light of a lone hooded lamp beside the sofa. Dabi slouched in a recliner, scrolling aimlessly through his phone. The soft glow of the screen glinted off the staples in his face and shone dully across the iciness of his gaze. Eyeliner was smudged heavily around his eyes. He had not slept in a while. Days, maybe. Had it already been days?

Stretching out my arm as I lay on the sofa, I grabbed the remote from the table, wincing as pain shot up my side. 'Idiot' was too kind a word for me. My last mission for the League had ended with a knife in my side and enough blood loss to nearly kill me—nearly.

The TV whirred to life, and I squinted against the glaring light. I flipped through the channels. News. News. More news. A report on a hero that had stopped some villain I did not recognize from robbing a bank in the city. And... more news. Apparently, we could not afford proper TV channels in our dump of a lair.

"Just turn it off—don't waste your time," Dabi said, his voice low and tainted with an edge of annoyance. "All your gonna find is more hero propaganda."

With a single click, blackness consumed the screen again.

Bracing my hands against the couch, I forced myself to sit up, hissing as my stitches stretched and pain throbbed faintly around my wound. Black momentarily edged around my view—sprawling and clawing across my sight.

"Idiot." Dabi threw his phone down on the recliner and appeared in front of me in seconds. His hands found my shoulders as he helped me lean back. "You shouldn't be moving around yet. Just listen for once and lay back down."

"I'm fine." My voice sounded foreign to my ears. Exhaustion and pain had chipped away at my strength, leaving my tone hollow and empty. "Really... I'm fine."

"Yeah, and I'm the fucking Pope," he snapped, rolling his eyes. "Lay back down, or I'll knock your ass out."

Shooting him a sharp glare, I said, "What an amazing nurse you are."

A muscle in his jaw clenched. "At least I'm not a stubborn idiot who doesn't know when to fucking sit back and rest."

Idiot. Since regaining consciousness, I heard that word more than I could care for and in various nifty combinations. Stubborn idiot. Reckless idiot. Weak idiot. Massive idiot. And my favorite: stupid idiot—like my magnitude of sheer idiocy needed to be stated twice in the span of two words. I was getting a bit tired of hearing it.

"Come on, Dabi," I whined with a huff. "I just want to go take a shower."

He looked from me to the bathroom door across the room. "There is no way you're making it that far without collapsing. So... no."

"You don't know that," I snipped, crossing my arms over my chest. "I need to shower. It's been days. I reek."

Scowling, he spoke lowly, "While that may be true: no. I won't be responsible when you keel over and die trying to walk. Don't be an idiot."

Heat prickled along my skin, and my nostrils flared as frustration flowered in my chest. I placed a hand on his shoulder and used his crouched form for support as I forced myself to my feet. Pain radiated along my side, and I grit my teeth, groaning lowly as I struggled to breathe. Dabi grabbed my hips, holding me steady as I swayed. His hands moved to my waist as he stood quickly, pulling me closer to him.

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