🍋MHA - 7 Minutes in Heaven - Denki Kaminari

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MHA - 7 Minutes in Heaven - Denki Kaminari

Warning: Smut. Big sexual tension. Very vanilla. Equal dom. Cowgirl position. Since this needs to be said: I never really mentioned ages, so they are, in fact, aged up.


"Ohhh! Look at this! Sara, you get to spend some alone time with..."


Mina's yellow gaze brushed over everyone in the cramped dorm room. The entire time the pink-toned girl was giggling mischievously. It was clear to everyone that she was enjoying whatever little, devilish thoughts were running through her mind. After theatrically peeking at the slip of paper in her hand a few more times, chuckling like a mad woman as she did so, Mina locked eyes with Uraraka. For the briefest of moments, both girls, Sara and Uraraka, thought that they had gotten lucky and would be spending some innocent girl-time together. However, that optimism was shattered as Mina quickly turned her attention to Denki.

"Our lovely little sparky boy!"

The room erupted with soft giggles and snickers. Both Denki and Sara turned various shades of red, before looking at each other. They had a very close friendship, so it was not weird for them to spend time alone together. Almost every day, they would train together, talk about girls together (my OC is pansexual like myself), play video games together, and work on homework together. However, their friends liked to make things awkward between them whenever the opportunity presented itself. It was a very common, and very true, rumor that Denki and Sara liked each other.

Standing, Sara glared at everyone seated in the dim, candle lit room. "Guys, no. Stop. How many times do we have to say that we are just friends for you to believe it?"

Denki rose from his seat, as well. "Y-Yeah. Just friends, guys." He started towards the door. "Completely non-liking of each other in any way."

"Whatever you say," Mina giggled.

The short, blonde animal quirk user scowled at the pink girl. "You and I will be having a discussion later, Mina."

With that innocent threat, Sara followed Denki out of the dorm room and into the storage closet. Carefully, the two maneuvered to the furthest end and sat down next to each other with their backs against the wall. The room was small with two shelving units lining both the left and right side. Since there was an evident shortage of space, it was impossible to sit without touching the other in some way. Sara sat with her legs crossed, and Denki decided to have his bent in front of himself so that the girl had a little more room to be comfortable.

"So, I'm thinking about submitting a request to have my hero uniform altered," Sara said, nonchalantly, breaking what would have become an awkward silence. "I've realized that the current design has some flaws and makes full shifting a bit of a pain."

"I-I've noticed that, as well," Denki stuttered. He was struggling to keep his thoughts clean as the reality that he was in a dark room with his best female friend--and crush--was becoming clearer by the seconds.

"I have some photos of the new design on my phone if you'd like to see it. Maybe you can give me some advice on it."

"Yeah. S-Sure. Sounds good."

As Sara pulled out her phone, the room was filled with a dim light from its screen. After some scrolling, she found the photos in her gallery and turned the screen towards Denki. The boy nearly choked on air, before sputtering and turning every color of the rainbow. Sara's current hero uniform was a bit revealing. However, the new design left even less to be imagined. The worst part was that the photos were of Sara posing in her old uniform that had simply been photoshopped to demonstrate the alterations. The back of the uniform was open and dipped to the small of her back. At the base of her hips, there was a small slit in the fabric for a tail to fit through. The legs had been shortened so that they stopped at her mid-thigh. Her front was fully covered, but the fabric was tight, emphasizing every little curve of her figure. The sleeves of her original uniform had been removed, so the new design had a jewel neckline. Only one thing was exactly the same: the color, which was a base of black with white, purple, and light blue accents.

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