💝 MHA - 7 Minutes in Heaven - Katsuki Bakugou

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MHA - 7 Minutes in Heaven - Bakugou

Warning: Crude language and swearing, because Bakugou. Sexual tension and cute kissing. No lemon. Kinda fluff.


"Ohhh! Look at this! Sara, you get to spend some alone time with..."


Mina paused and slowly ran her gaze over everyone in the room. The air almost felt heavy as everyone waited patiently in clear anticipation to see who Mina was going to call out. For a short moment, her eyes rested on Momo, and Sara thought, or hoped, that she was going to avoid anything too awkward by getting locked in a room with one of her close female friends. However, fate was, unfortunately, not on her side that night, and that fact became suddenly evident when Mina quickly turned her head towards the very last person that Sara wanted to be locked in a small room with: Bakugou.

"Our lovely little explosion boy!"

Sara practically screamed. "Let me see that slip of paper!"

Grabbing violently at the small parchment, Sara almost tore it as she ripped it from Mina's hands. Two words were written on it: Katsuki Bakugou. Absentmindedly, she flipped it over, perhaps hopeful that the other side would say something along the lines of: "Just kidding." However, again, fate was a cruel mistress, and the back of the paper was blank. It was not a trick-not one of Mina's devilish little schemes that she would devise just to get Sara flustered. It was real. There had been an equal probability of her match being anyone else in the class. However, the probability gods had decided that she would spend seven minutes with Bakugou. Alone-nobody to save her from his murderous gaze.

Sighing, Sara handed the paper back to Mina, and locked eyes with Bakugou. The boy had already stood from his seat on the floor. His hands were shoved deep into the pockets of his grey sweatpants, and he looked completely unfazed by the whole ordeal. After gesturing quickly to the door with a simple nod of his head, he slowly began to leave. Sara, huffing exasperatedly and cursing lightly under her breath, stood, as well, and followed after him, shuffling her feet the entire way. Everyone in the room was silent, except for Mina who was giggling lightly at the interaction that had just occurred.

"Uh... Sara-san," Midoriya started suddenly when the pair was at the door, "please don't fight each other. Uh... I mean... I am sure by now that the teachers are familiar with the aftermath of one of your fights with Bakugou."

The explosive blonde growled and rolled his eyes. "Shut it, Deku. I'm not gonna fight her. How stupid do you think I am, exactly?" His voice was calm, which was almost scarier than when he was shouting. "Now, come on, Furry Girl."

Sara glared at Bakugou but remained silent. After being classmates for awhile now and fighting whenever they had the chance, the explosion quirk user had figured out almost all of the things to say to the short girl in order to thoroughly make her angry. Crude nicknames were one of the things at the top of the list. However, she was not about to get all of her friends in trouble because she decided to punch Bakugou in the face and start a fight in the girl's dormitory. Thus, she bit her tongue, put on a forced smile, and reluctantly followed him out of the room and into the storage closet next door. Surely, she could survive seven minutes in a cramped room with her nemesis. Being a U.A student in class 1-A, she had admittedly survived much worse already.

Upon entering the dark room, Bakugou carefully maneuvered to the back, so that he could sit on the floor with his back against the wall. The room was quite small. There were two shelving units lining the right and left sides of the small space, so Bakugou had stolen the only wall in the room. This forced Sara to remain at the door if she wanted to sit with her back against something that was at least semi-comfortable. Furthermore, the only way that she could sit without touching the boy was to have her legs crossed in front of her. After debating her position for a few seconds, she finally settled in and let out an audible huff.

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