Chapter 20

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Wren's POV

In the end, Mr. Blackbourne had won the battle against Mr. Hendricks with a reminder that they had confiscated a phone with a video showing that I had acted in defense of myself as well as my friend who was being attacked and the principal stormed away, slamming the door after him.

As soon as it shut, Mr. Blackbourne deflated, a show of weakness as he rubbed a hand tiredly down his face. "The negligence in allowing a tradition like this to continue for so long is astounding to me," he breathed out before turning to the boys, who all had varying looks of anger on their faces. I had thought of North as dangerous, but the looks on all of their faces told me that they were all a force to be reckoned with.

"We're going to be here for a while," Mr. Blackbourne tells us all, sounding every bit as tired as he looks; the bell ringing making us all jump as it blares out in the quiet room. Gathering himself back together like he's crafting a stone wall of defense, his body goes stiffly formal once more. "Be sure you contact anyone who needs to know you will be running late today."

Panic springs up within me once more. Today couldn't get any worse if it tried. "I have to leave," I tell him desperately. "I have to pick Dylan up from school." The younger two would be fine for a little while, but Dylan wouldn't be.

He shakes his head. "We need your report of what happened for the school, for the police, and a more in-depth explanation for the Academy, Miss Nelson. You may call your mother to inform her that she needs to make other arrangements to pick up your younger brother from school today."

Even with Victor trying to soothe them loose, my knuckles were turning white from clenching my fingers into my knees so hard. My frustration with this man was returning. Calling Sheila was the opposite of a solution and Mr. Blackbourne was acting like even in a normal situation, switching up who does pick up would be as easy as just calling the other person involved at the last minute. "We haven't lived here long, Mr. Blackbourne. We don't know anyone that can pick up Dylan and she works an hour away. She can't make it back before the school pick up deadline. I need to go get my brother."

North turns around, callused hands gripping my shoulders as dark eyes urge me to calm down. "Which school does he go to? I'll go pick him up and bring him back here. I wasn't part of the fight; I've technically already been released by the police and the school. I can do the Academy part at any time."

As sweet as that is, it's not going to work. "North, I know you're not like him, but you look like Lewis. I don't think you'd hurt him, but Dylan's going to be freaked out enough that I'm not there. He's not going to get in a car with you, he's scared of you."

It breaks my heart to see the hurt on North's face but what am I supposed to do? If I'm not there but North shows up, Dylan is going to assume the worst and cause a scene. Silas steps forward, clapping North on the shoulder and talking quietly in his ear in Greek before turning to me. "Does Dylan trust me more, Koritsi mou?" When I nod warily, he smiles softly. "Then I'll go pick up your brother and bring him here."

"Are you sure?" He nods. "Thank you, Silas. I owe you one. I need to call the school, first. They won't release him to you if you're not on the list of people that can pick him up."

"You may go into the hallway to make the call, Miss Nelson," Mr. Blackbourne offers and I bristle. I would have gone out there anyway, but he didn't need to act like hearing me on the phone was that taxing. Exhaustion washed over me as I stepped outside. Now that the excitement is over, my body is starting to ache. Their hits were harder than what I was used to. Beyond that, I know I can't stay angry with Mr. Blackbourne forever. He's important to the boys and my only link to my ability to play my horn.

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