Chapter 56

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Wren's POV

It had taken the rest of Sunday and half of Monday, but it seemed like we had found our way back to our new normal. At first, I'd worried that the awkwardness of it was going to swallow us whole, but Keegan headbutting Victor and causing a minor nosebleed finally broke the ice as we all dove into cleaning up the mess, checking on Victor, and assuring Keegan that he wasn't being punished. Things had gone back to normal after that and it no longer felt like if I stepped wrong, I was going to go plummeting through the floor and right back into the argument we'd been having.

I was even more grateful that enough of them were back to normal that none of the other students had noticed anything off at school on Monday. I still felt like a target was taped on my back every time I walked into the building. Between Jade, Gus, and the principals, I was constantly looking over my shoulder, even with the guys back on my side. Assholes like them can sniff out weaknesses, and it felt like I was surrounded by hungry wolves.

When the final bell rang, every step I put between me and that school made it feel easier and easier to breathe. Kota's arm around my back pulled me closer like he could feel the same relief that I was, and I let myself enjoy the comfort of it, just for a moment, before I away.

Luke moved ahead of us to pop the tailgate on the suburban open so we could throw in our backpacks. "Who all is going to my house today?" I asked as I turned to look at them, rubbing my arms as I tracked a girl from my fifth period class walk across the parking lot, whispering with another girl I only recognized from seeing her in the halls.

They kept glancing furtively at us and it was making my skin start to crawl again. Did they think I was going to start giving the guys blowjobs out of the back of the car or something?

Almost on instinct, I shifted so Nathan was between us and when he glanced over his shoulder, catching them glancing towards us again, he moved so he was blocking me better before turning his attention back to Kota. "So, it's just going to be you and Luke at the house this afternoon?"

He nodded and I forced myself to focus on the conversation since I was the one that started it. It was easier now that I couldn't see those girls looking at me. "Yeah. I need you with Victor, Gabe has a shift at the diner, and Silas and North have football practice."

Disappointment settled in my chest, and I had to swallow around it along with the swell of confusion at being sad that they weren't all going to be there. It felt like we'd wasted the weekend being weird with each other. "Is anyone else going to be there for dinner?"

"Possibly North and Silas, depending on if Uncle or Silas' dad need them. I have to eat at my house, though, so you'll only have one extra mouth." His eyebrows furrowed together with a wave of doubt. "Unless you'd prefer it if we all ate at my mom's house so you can get some time alone with the kids."

Surprising even myself, I didn't jump at the opportunity. "No, it's fine. I don't mind cooking for everyone."

I liked having them around, despite my better judgment and all of my expectations, and it made it less awkward if I could disappear to the kitchen to cook for them when they were there. I liked hearing them laugh with the boys and coo at Juni. I liked that the house felt less hollow when they were there. Eating with them around was hard, but it was easier when I could duck into the kitchen with one of the babies and steal a few bites where they couldn't see me.

Kota searched my eyes like he was looking for something in particular, a secret that I hadn't yet whispered out loud. He must have found something close enough because he nodded again, but he didn't get that small look of satisfaction that he does when he figures out the answer to something in class or when he's helping us with our homework. Like he didn't have the satisfaction of solving a problem, he just knew that he wasn't making it worse. "Alright. Then the others can eat at your house or mine, whichever they prefer."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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