The mint haired male looks towards his hose, and then towards Jungkook, who went back to laying peacefully in the warmth from the sun.

A smirk makes its way onto Taehyung's face as he steps forward, "hey, how come you never answer any of my questions?" Taehyung asks innocently as he stalks forward to the bunny, who was innocently trying to rest in the sun.

"Like?" Jungkook says, oblivious to the very predatorial tiger stalking forward with a hose, pointed like a gun in Jungkook's direction.

"Like..." Taehyung trails off, "how come you don't submit to me? How come you don't let me kiss you? It would be good for the play you know, and we can't practice multiple times, get that experience in there."

Jungkook scoffs at Taehyung's words, a bitter chuckle leaving his lips, "there's no way in hell that I would submit to you first. It just doesn't work that way. I'm always going to be on top. You'd have to drown me first before I could ever think about submitting to your frail ass, old man."

Wow, Jungkook just played right into Taehyung's plan.

"Well, try this on for thought," confused at Taehyung's words, the younger shifts slightly to face the older, and that's when all of the colour drips off of Jungkook's pink cheeks, as he comes face to face with the hose pipe.

Immediately standing up, Jungkook walks backwards, trying not to trip over his own feet, " put it down..." Jungkook says warily, the hot, midday sun no longer feeling warm as he's suddenly drenched in freezing cold water. The younger squeals loudly, jumping up and down as he hears Taehyung chuckle, whipping the hose up and down, making sure that every inch of Jungkook is wet.

"Taehyung! I'm wet!" Jungkook screeches, trying to run away, but it fails miserably as Taehyung follows him, an evil glint in his dark eyes.

That's what she said.

Dropping the hose pipe, Taehyung runs after Jungkook, trying to catch the bunny in his arms. Jungkook turns to look behind him slightly, seeing that the hose is no longer in Taehyung's hands, smirking a little bit, Jungkook leaps across the garden, almost falling over when he feels Taehyung's fingers skim over his waist.

"No!" Jungkook screams, dodging Taehyung, quickly picking up the hose. Spraying it randomly behind him. Panting, Jungkook's eyes fill with confusion when he sees that Taehyung isn't anywhere behind him. "Taehyung?" Jungkook questions, his grip loosening on the hose.

"Caught you," Taehyung whispers hotly into Jungkook's ear. The younger squeals a little when he feels Taehyung's arm wrap around his waist, his waist looking prominent because of the now see through t-shirt sticking to every ridge of his body.

Jungkook giggles, and then realizes that now is the perfect opportunity. Pushing Taehyung away, Jungkook quickly turns on the hose, hearing Taehyung groan loudly, but nonetheless let Jungkook get his sweet revenge. Finally deciding that he's had enough, Taehyung steps into the storm, arms outstretched, he finally reached the younger, prying the hose out of his slim fingers before pulling Jungkook flush against his body.

The both of them wet.

Water drops off of Taehyung's floppy hair, his brown eyes scanning Jungkook clearly, the tiny sparkles in his eyes matching so perfectly with the diamond like water droplets sitting idol on his long lashes. Jungkook gasps, lips parting, his breathing growing slightly heavy and hot.

Taehyung, feels Jungkook's waist, giving the softest squeeze ever, causing the younger to whine a little before a crimson blush falls onto his already cherry cheeks. Fondly, the mint haired boy smiles, before he slowly reaches up, pushing Jungkook's wet blonde hair out his doe eyes to get a better look at the boy.

Jungkook tiptoes just the tiniest bit to reach Taehyung's height, arms plastered on his chest – just like they belonged there. Taehyung holds Jungkook in close, basking in the serenity of it all. The beautiful greenery, the dazzling sun, the fact that it felt like he was holding the whole world in his hands. You know, just the simple things.

Leaning into Taehyung, Jungkook closes his eyes, "Taehyung," Jungkook whispers softly, the name curling out of his name, his mouth suddenly tasting so sweet.

It wasn't fair that Jungkook had already fallen so hard for Taehyung.

It just meant that he noticed how Taehyung was just...perfect. And Jungkook, well, he didn't know how to hold in his feelings for the older. Yes, everything. He didn't know how to keep himself away from the older when destiny kept bringing the two back together.

What had made Jungkook fall in love?

Well, to put it in simpler terms, everything.

From the rush he got when he first met Taehyung, the the different sides he was able to see of the Kim Taehyung. Everything just felt like it was made to be. And no matter how hard Jungkook tried to deny it, he just couldn't.

And rather than running away from his feelings, he had just accepted it, and would make the most out of hanging around with his crush. And would the most of the bet...

...what? Don't blame him. He's still a hormonal teenager...

Taehyung smiles a little, pulling Jungkook in, "so what's why you wouldn't let me kiss you these few weeks? Because you wanted the moment to be sweet?" He asks, cupping Jungkook's jaw softly, pulling the boy upwards, so that Jungkook's eyes met Taehyung's.

Jungkook whimpers slightly, his heart in his throat.

"Well, I can't say the same. Because every moment I'm with you...I just get a cavity," Taehyung says proudly, with singlehandedly the most lopsided grin ever. Jungkook snaps out of the trance that he's in with a chuckle, "wow my whole body just cringed. Be careful there mister, you might just turn me into a wrinkled up old date," Jungkook cheekily jokes, his body still pressed up against Taehyung's.

Taehyung chuckles, looking down at Jungkook's peachy lips, noticing how his bunny teeth often sat on his plumper bottom lip when he was happy. Adorable. Taehyung's smile brightens, wanting to remember this moment forever.

Jungkook reaches up to run his shaky hand through Taehyung's mint locks, fingers feeling the water, and he chuckles a little to himself when he sees Taehyung's shoulders relax into his sort of smaller body, eyes closing, chest grumbling. Taehyung seriously reminded Jungkook of a little baby tiger. Maybe... Simba? Rawr.

"Your hair is so soft, even when wet," Jungkook mumbles, a little bit of jealously in his tone, as he remains on his tippy toes. Taehyung squeezes Jungkook's waist once more, "that reminds me. We should head inside..." Jungkook pauses, looking up at Taehyung from under his wet lashes.

Taehyung sighs, "take a shower, get into warm clothes, and then just relax for the rest of the day...don't want to fall ill, and I don't want you falling sick either." Taehyung doesn't know why, but he feels the need to explain himself to Jungkook to show that he doesn't have anything other than the purest intentions with the younger. He doesn't know why, but it seemed like a must.

Jungkook nods a little bit, untangling himself from the older, finally starting to feel cold when the wind hits the water droplets on his body.

Taehyung smiles a little, before quickly setting everything, moving the hose to its right place, picking up the soggy papers from the ground, just making sure that the garden was in tiptop condition. And Jungkook just watches the older move gracefully with the biggest smile ever. Cue the heart eyes.

"You coming?" Taehyung asks, walking away. Jungkook just nods, still while standing in his one spot, watching as the older stopped, turned and outstretched his hand.


Jungkook stares at the hand in front of him, hesitating for a moment before he shakily places his own hand in Taehyung's, holding it tightly as Taehyung led the way into his home.


Schools started, which means we're going back to the weekly updates! I'll try my best though!!
Also, get ready for the next two chapters!
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