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"Do you think this is funny?!" yelled Isolde and pointed to Beatrice, who was sitting on the floor and trying to not show fear. "Do you?!"

"A little bit, yes," said Auberon and smirked. "Don't you?"

Isolde walked up to him and grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer. "Where is Charlene?!"

"How am I supposed to know that?"

"You were with her!" yelled Isolde. "You were... you were..." she was unable to form words because of her rage. "You had her!" she yelled. It was just another reason for her to want Charlene dead. "Where is she?!"

Auberon pretended to think, wanting to give Charlene a bit more time. "Well... hadn't that guard wanted to tell you something?"

Isolde screamed and used her magic to throw Auberon out of the window where she had thrown Leif only a few minutes prior. Auberon couldn't do anything before he hit the cold stone and lost consciousness. His fall from the height he was on was prevented only by Leif, who was laying practically on the edge.

Isolde thought her job was done and she returned to her spot on the throne. She looked at her wife. "Don't look at me like that! I'll get you precious girl, don't worry, love."

Elora lifted her gaze with all of her strength she had. "Your son..."

Isolde waved her hand. "Irrelevant. I am so close and I don't need him anymore." When she saw the look in Elora's eyes, she laughed. "Don't be ridiculous! You of all people can't judge anyone when it comes to the way they treat their children! What did you do when Charlene was around you all day, telling you how I was making this kingdom my own? Oh, right! You sent her to count the taxes!"

Isolde's laugh echoed through the room while Elora's cheek was marked by one tear slipping from the corner of her eye, making Beatrice's blood boil and freeze at the same time.

The door of Charlene's room were in her sight. She was close to reaching them. She had managed to sneak her way up two floors without being noticed. Her sneaking was made harder by the Isolde's liquid being all over the hallways, but she managed to not step into it. Almost every guard that was in the lower floors was chasing after the intruder as they probably thought she was with him, but she was able to hear talking coming from the other side of the hallway. Maybe she'd be able to get to her room unnoticed, but she would have to be fast. And even if she did, she would get caught once inside her room. Isolde must've done something to her room's locking system in case she had returned.

Shadow was coming her way and she had nowhere to go. If she turned back, she'd probably find another set of guards. She pulled a sword, hoping she wouldn't bring too much attention to herself. She had no other option.

Two guards came down the hallway and she didn't hesitate when she ran straight into them. The bigger one attacked her without missing a beat. He was big thus she was able to sneak through his arms when he swung his sword at her. She managed to quickly sneak behind him and knock him out with one movement.

One of them, a smaller man, who looked as young as a pre-teen, stepped to the side, nervously clutching onto his sword. "Go," he whispered, when she turned to him. "Just go to your room, your highness..."

Charlene smiled. "Thank you," she said, jumped over the big man and ran to her room. As she opened the door, she was able to hear the man running down the hallway, yelling that everything was fine.

The second she opened the door, she was greeted by a sight that had her wanting to vomit. Her room was filled with the slimy liquid Isolde used. It was dripping from the ceiling, the walls were full of it and so was the floor. And the smell! It smelled like decaying garlic and rotting flesh. She carefully stepped in and the smile seemed to move away from her face. She didn't think much about it and made her way to her bed and took a dagger from under it. The secret door was behind one of her closets and she had a hard time moving it on her own. That was why Emmet was with her, but he was not there so she had to move it by herself. Slowly but surely she managed to and opened the passage. After she took a deep breath, she walked in and closed the door behind her.

Her heart was pounding as she made her way up the dark stone cold stones. Her hands that were grasping onto the handle of her sword were getting sweatier by the second. When she reached the top of the stairs and placed one of her hands on the door to push them open she was shaking so hard she had to sit down to calm herself down. That was it. If she failed, there would be no after. If she succeeded she wouldn't have to care about Isolde ever again. Those two were the only option. Period.

With a bit less shaky hand she put an arrow on the crossbow and made sure it was put on properly. Taking one last breath, she pushed the door to get them to open. The opening revealed the back of two thrones. Charlene was able to see a shape of her mother's hand on one of the armrests, but she could not see Isolde from where she was standing.

"I'm asking you one last time: where is the little brat!" Isolde's voice was heard.

"I don't know who you're talking about," said Beatrice coldy, her fingers visibly clenching around something

Charlene slowly moved so she was able to see Isolde standing over Beatrice by the bottom of the stairs. Beatrice looked fine, untouched, but the glass that was all over the place made Charlene worry about what happened.

"Where..." began Isolde once again, but heard the little click the crossbow made when Charlene aimed. She turned around and smiled. "Charlene."

"Hello, mummy dearest," said Charlene with narrowed eyes. "How do you do?"

"Absolutely amazing, now that you're here. Be a good girl and put down that crossbow," said Isolde and straightened her back. "You'll end up hurting yourself."

"Isn't it sweet?" said Charlene with greeted teeth. "You worry too much about me."

"Not at all," said Isolde and made a step towards her, Beatrice completely forgotten. "Sending your loverboy was a good idea, but..."

Charlene pressed her lips together. "You took everything from me."

"I wanted to give you my son!"

"I don't want him!"

"You wanted that... manwhore instead?!"

"I didn't want anyone!" yelled Charlene. "And my love life shouldn't have been a concern to you when your people are literally dying!" She shot the arrow at Isolde, who bounced it and threw a ball of fire into Charlene.

Isolde fixed her hair as she thought she hit her, but Charlene literally jumped at her through the fire that seemed to glide off her. Charlene hit Isolde's arm with her sword, making it bleed. "You!" yelled Isolde and tried to hit her with her magic, but all she managed to do was push Charlene far enough so she wasn't able to reach her with a blade. "You found the crystals!" she yelled as she made her way closer to the throne and pulled a sword from under it. "I'd have my way! No matter the cause!" She was furious now; her eyes sparkling in pure rage, her hands shaking and her entire body tensing, which made the small parts of the liquid vibrate around.

Charlene scratched her neck and shoulders, giving off a little bit of a show. "I'm waiting, Your Majesty."

The guards must've been slowed down by their heavy equipment. It was the only explanation Emmet had for being able to outrun them with having pauses in between. He managed to get himself out of the castle and was running through the town now. If the castle had a lot of Isolde's liquid all over the inside, the town was flooded with it. The liquid was forming human- and animal-like goonkers that were attacking citizens. No one was injured, but it made for a good scare, which was evident by the screams all around the place. Emmet stopped to take a look around and was able to see the tower with the throne room on top, but not the room itself, shaking, but that wasn't what caught his full attention. It was an arm that was hanging off one of the many roofs under the throne room.

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