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Faint feeling of pain was still in his chest when Auberon woke up on a soft moss. It was dark already, but the moon was almost full thus bright enough for everything to be seen almost perfectly. Auberon slowly sat up and looked around. They were not in the cave anymore and he wondered how the two got out and for how long had he been unconscious. The forest around them looked familiar and when he saw a lake nearby he was sure where the two were. He quickly looked around and saw Charlene sleeping on the moss fairly close with her back to him. She looked peaceful and almost had a smile on her face.

Auberon didn't feel sleepy at all and would probably just wake her up if he were to stay with her so he decided to make his way down to the lake. After he made sure the surface was calm enough he took off his boots and coat. He took a deep breath and focused. Once he was sure he was centered enough he walked straight onto the lake's surface. When his feet touched the surface of the water the leaps around his feet turned silver. He slowly walked further onto the lake and when it felt right, he stopped, stood with feet apart, pressed his hands together and raised his head high enough for the moon to shine onto his face. He used to do that a lot before the incident, using it as a way to clear his mind. Back then, before the incident, he used to be able to put his thoughts in order, but now... now he just let them wonder, he didn't care. But he wanted to clear his head now to be able to help Lenny. He needed to save a damsel in distress, he needed the old Ronno back, but he needed Lenny to be fine more.

He felt his magic flow freely and he loved every second of it. He felt it flowing through his body and into the water from where they were touching. He felt the water around him move, but he didn't open his eyes as it would break the trans he had put himself in.

The atmosphere was ruined by a gasp from the shore. Auberon opened his eyes and turned around, still balancing himself on the surface. Charlene was sitting by the edge of the lake, wet from head to toe. "What happened?" he asked with a hoarse voice.

"Please, don't be mad at me, but I woke up with you gone, I saw you and found the thing you were doing with water fascinating and wanted to watch," said Charlene, fixing her hair behind her ear.

Auberon walked up to the shore and sat down next to her. "Why would I be mad at you? It's nothing to worry about," he said with a smile, silver ends of his hair shining in the moonlight. "I just needed to... relax."

"Are you alright?" she asked and reached to feel his forehead without thinking.

"I feel fine," he said and smiled. "How did you get me out of that cave?"

"I... carried you," said Charlene and fixed her hair one more time, which Auberon couldn't help but find adorable as it meant he was making her nervous; the good kind of nervous. "It took awhile, but... we got out. Then I managed to get you a bit further away as the cave seemed to cause you that... reaction."

Auberon looked at the girl next to him. She got him out. "Thank you," he said softly and took her hand in his. He decided she deserved the full story. "Listen... I... this thing with my magic..."

"You don't have to..."

"I want to," he quickly said and she nodded. "You know how I can only use it at night. It is because... this witch cursed me. These," he gently touched his face and took off his cloves like she hadn't seen any of it countless times before, "are also a part of it. I used to have this ongoing conflict with her son. He was knighted just because she convinced someone to do it not because he did anything to deserve it. He would try to save damsels in distress, but failed. Someone would do it for him and he would take all the glory. And by that I mean the damsels to bed."

Charlene bit her lip. That reminded her of something, but she wasn't going to interrupt him with questions as he finally found the courage to open up to her, even if just a little.

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