Dear Friend

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You know how you keep on telling me how something will eventually come back to bite me in the ass? As it turns out: you were right. You know that sorry excuse of a knight Leif? Yap, that guy. I ran into him, unaware he was on one of his make believe missions. I had no idea it was him who was with the lady that I bought a drink and maybe invited her into my room in the tavern. But if course that blond had to walk in on us when I was... let's say in unconventional place for a lad to be in in the middle of the day. I told him anyone could do what he does and to get lost. So what happened was that the next morning instead of the lady waking up next to me and maybe going again Isolde appeared in my room and began yelling at me. When I do my thing with her it is fine and she just... gets a new lover, but when I say one thing to her GROWN UP son she comes after me?! If that is not the most logical thing I have ever heard I don't know what it is! I of course had to open my damn big mouth and say something about her precious boy. And what she apparently did when I was still asleep was that she put me in copper cuffs. In case you don't know copper disables my kind of magic thus I was useless. And she put a curse on me. Yap. What am I? A princess? A prince?! When she left I figured my magic was trapped and was unable to use it even after I removed copper. And that was not even the worst thing as I have later found out that I can use my magic after the sun sets until the sunrise. The biggest problem is that she demolished my beautiful face! My perfect face! I nearly fainted when I saw myself in the mirror! Burns and scars are now covering my face and upper chest, not to mention my hands. Yes, she took it on my hands as well! Where there used to be soft and delicate skin are now burns. Why burns?! Out of every visible injury possible they are the ugliest! But she was, oh, so kind as to tell me how to break a curse. I have to save a damsel in distress. Because they are all over the land and not one of them would ran away screaming or would rather remained in distress than go with me. As now I have to life with this and even at night my magic is not as strong as it used to be I have nowhere else to go so I guess I'll be seeing you, my old roommate, in a few days.

Can't wait to see you, Emmet, my dearest,

Auberon, Ronno.

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