End Of The Day

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Warning: This involves talk of Anorexia, and heighten Anxiety.

The lot of us were sitting at a table together, considering the fact we were friends that was expected. Lunch was our chill hour, we got to be around each other and not have to worry about the assholes who felt like yelling at us.
    A few of us had stuff thrown at us, mainly paper considering if they did anything that would cause lasting harm or making us get a change of clothes the others would yell at our attackers and get them to back off.
    Only a small amount of us were not treated as such, Roman, Remus, and Janus were the ones free of the toxic banter. Roman was alright because he was well... Popular. Everyone was scared of Remus and he was Roman’s brother so that played a part as well, Janus on the other hand wasn’t popular or scary. A lot of people just thought he was hot, it’s kinda Ironic considering he was on the spectrum.
    Patton, Logan, and I were seen as easy targets. Patton couldn't stand up for himself, he would always stand up for others and his trusting nature would be taken advantage of. Logan was a know-it-all, and he didn’t mind being called that though. His misunderstanding of a lot of nowadays words made people laugh so they would call him a shit ton of things.
    I don’t actually know the reasoning behind my bullying. My only guess is that people don’t like the fact I'm an emo, aka an outcast in their eyes, maybe it’s my eyes despite the fact that the only people who I told and have purposely shown my eyes to were my friends. I could think of plenty of reasons behind why I'm bullied, but I don’t wanna think about it right now.
    I was glad my mother had applied for food stamps, I got free lunch, but it’s not like I ate it. I’m getting over an eating disorder so I have to force myself to eat every now and then around my friends to avoid suspicion. Patton wasn’t that good at hiding it, but he was worse off then I was.
    As we all sat with our lunch, Logan and Roman brought their own. Logan’s surprisingly a health nut and Roman just couldn't stomach the school’s food unlike Remus who always picked off everyone's trays. The rest of us ate the school’s shitty excuse for meals.
    I pushed the imitation Mac and Cheese we got to Patton, he needed to eat something soft since he refused to get a tray. I took around two maybe three bites of my chicken before shoving the tray towards Remus.
    His eyes seemed to gleam at the idea of more food, he was one hell of a glutton. I looked over at Patton who had practically scarfed down the entire portion, I honestly expected this but the other’s seemed surprised.
“Patton, do you want some of my apple?” Logan asked as he held it up. I looked over at Patton who clearly did, If he eats too much he could throw up from a sudden large amount after weeks, maybe even months of practical starvation. 
“I do, but I shouldn’t. Sorry Kiddo.” He responded and I smiled gently, Roman looked confused and opened his mouth to speak before I cut him off.
“That’s actually a good decision. He shouldn’t eat too much and risk puking.” I said running my fingers through my bangs closing my purple eye to keep it unseen from other peering eyes. Roman shut his mouth nodding in understanding as Remus laid his head in front of his twin.
    “Hey Roman you like seafood?” He asked and without a response opened his mouth to show his chewed up food.
    “Ugh! Remus stop that, you know it annoys me!” He told him as he pushed him to the side. I smiled along with the others before Patton gently tugged on my sleeve.
    “Hey Virgil, you should eat.” He muttered just so I could hear. I looked over at him and gently rubbed the back of my neck.
    “Sorry Pat, i’ll eat when I get home.” I whispered to him before Remus slammed his hand onto the desk. I noticeably flinched along with the others my heart beat increasing in speed. “What the hell Remus!?” I called out my voice louder than it should be.
    “Remus! That wasn’t needed.” Logan said with a calmer voice, I looked over at him, my hand over my chest holding onto my hoodie. I sighed, calming down my heart rate.
    I felt a hand on my mid back, someone had snuck up behind me considering Patton had moved over to scold Remus. I turned around my head, sighing as I saw the familiar red and white letterman jacket worn by Roman. “You alright J.D-lightful.”
    I sighed with slight annoyance from the unwanted physical contact, but before I could respond the bell to end our lunch rang. My next class was across the school! I grabbed my bag and pushed my chair back into its place.
    “Gotta run! Later guys!” I called out as I started off in the direction of my Social Studies class.
    “Wait! Virgil we have that class together!” Patton yelled as he hobbled after me. I smiled and held back my laughter as he grabbed onto my bag panting.
    “Sorry Pat, I didn’t wanna risk being late.” I said as he stood next to me with a smile. As we started to walk in the direction of our class, at least the rest of the day was easy.

    As the final bell rang, I smiled pulling my headphones onto my ears. My last class of the day was done, “Despite having to deal with dad later, I’m happy.” I was alone in my final hour of the day, hey at least my ride didn’t do any extracurricular activities.
    I walked through the hall, holding on tight to my bag’s strap. I was feeling extremely claustrophobic inside the packed airways. I moved through the paloudted space, my eyes had a very slight burning. Guess my eyes glow when my emotions are in an extreme state.
    I closed my eyes, “Stop it, someone is going to notice. I’m going to be called a freak!” As I moved blind to my surroundings I hit something warm and soft. I put my hand on my head as my eyes peaked open, I felt the heat in my cheeks increase as I saw who I was leaning against Roman’s chest.
    “Ah! Sorry!” Despite my desire not to, I pushed myself off of him. Roman laughed with little care for thoughts around him. He drew attention to the two of us, making me want to shrivel up and hide.
    “No need! Jan sent me to find you. He got to your class to find you had wandered off, like always.” He said ruffled my hair despite my squirms in protest.
    “Aye! Hands off Flynn Rider!” I told him as my hands removed his, my arms crossing over my own chest. My blushing had faded as I had calmed down. (( Do you like my creative nickname? ))
    “That's a New one!” He said a bright smile across his face, “His smile is so attractive.. No! Calm your gay ass down Virgil!” I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose putting back up my wall, the others were unaware of my sexuality other than Janus of course.
    “Thanks, I put quite a bit of thought into my creative nicknames.” I smirked as a chuckle rose in my throat. “Let's get to the others, I wanna talk with Pat about something.” I said as I pulled my phone out and then looked at the conversation we had during math.
    As we got to the car, I noticed Patton flagging us down and Janus standing next to him rather calm. I forgot Pat came to school with us, Roman said a goodbye as he joined his brother by his own car.
    “Kiddo! Sorry for sending Roman after you, Janus convinced me to.” Patton said rubbing the back of his neck as I walked up to the two of them.
    “It’s fine, at least he found me before I ran into someone else.” I said as I pulled my headphones onto my neck, not like I had my music on. I gave him a smile as we leapt into the car. “So Pat, can you tell me more about that kitten?”


Word Count: 1.4k
Characters: Virgil, Janus, Remus, Roman, Patton, Logan

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