A Hazed Truth

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Warning: This involves illness and medication, plus just a bit of blood. I don’t know if people are triggered by the first two but I’m not taking the chance. 


I could hear someone talking to me, but it was so muffled and hidden that I couldn’t hear it. I felt a hand on my back, it was so gentle that I knew it was my mom’s. I moved to lay on my side and look up at her, her face was so burry. No, everything was blurry. I smiled at her as her hand moved to my forehead. I noticed her pull her hand away and walk away while muttering something. I fell back asleep quickly.

I opened my eyes again, I put a hand to my head as I laid there. It was pounding like crazy as I closed my eyes tightly trying to get it to leave. The way the sun shone through my curtains hinted at it being around noon, I reached over for my phone picking it up as I noticed the frantic messages coming from the group chat. 

I opened it quickly scrolling through the messages repetitively asking if I was alright or if something had happened. 

Stormcloud⛈️: Guys! I’m fine, I've been asleep and have a bad headache. It's probably a migraine.

I sent the message and got out of bed as I ran my fingers through my hair a few times before grabbing my phone from my blankets and tucking it under my armpit as I grabbed my jacket. I put it on not bothering to zip it up as I shoved my phone into my pocket. I put my hand on my forehead as I went down the stairs, I’m honestly surprised at how hot my head was. 

As I got down, my mother was sitting on the couch humming to herself as looked through her computer. I smirked as I crept over to get behind her, I peered over the back of the couch before quickly placing my hands on her shoulders. “Boo!”

She yelped loudly as she turned around frightened, her eyes relaxed before becoming angry. “Virgil! That was so uncalled for! God, I didn’t even hear you.” she had a growing smirk on her face before she put her hand on my head. “You’re running a fever. Go lay back down.” 

I bit my lower lip before sighing, “You shouldn’t have kept me home Mom.” I looked over at her as I hopped over the couch sitting next to her. She looked shocked at how easily I did it, I didn’t see a problem with it.

“Virgil! You’re almost running a hospital trip fever, how are you even walking. You’re sweating bullets.” I hadn’t even noticed as I looked over at her she closed her computer before setting it to the side. I went to stand with her before she made me sit down. “I refuse to let you walk around.”

“But Mum, I feel fine my head just hurts,” I told her as she handed me a blanket, my mother nodded as left and returned after a few moments with a pill bottle in hand.

“Take two of these every 4 hours,” she said before she handed it to my gloved hand. “Oh… let me open it.”

“I’ve got it mum, no worries.” I told her as I took it from her gently, I held the bottle with the gloved hand and twisted the lid off with my other. I pushed two pills into my mouth, swallowing them as I returned the lid to the bottle. I put it down as I looked at her pulling my phone from my pocket to examine the messages from the others. 

Your Friendly Neighborhood Father Figure❤️: Oh, that's good at least. Janus said he saw a lot of people outside last night. 

Computer: That is correct Patton, How are you feeling Virgil?

Snec Boi🐍: I am visiting the hell out of you after school!

Stormcloud⛈️: Fine, but don’t be too loud when you come by.

I gave a small smile at the messages and quickly typed out my response before putting my phone on my lap. I leaned up against the couch leg before getting the feeling of being ill. 

“Virgil, you can put on the T.v. but try to take a nap.” She said as she put her hand on my shoulder and kissed my forehead before sitting down near my feet and getting back onto her laptop to work from home when she couldn't come in.

I nodded at her, I retched for the remote feeling as if he wasn’t productive so he looked over at his mom and sat up a bit more straight. “Can I go grab my laptop so I can do some school work?” I asked as she turned to face me. She bit her lip for a moment before responding.

“Could you at least take a nap first? I know you’re tired so please, get some sleep, honey.” I gave a sigh and nodded laying back down and attempting to get comfortable, it didn’t take long before I blacked out again. 

I opened my eyes as something that smelt good entered my nose. I sat up rubbing my head, it still hurt just not as bad as earlier. I looked over to the kitchen, Janus was standing by the stove stirring some pot I could only guess to hold soup. “Snake Boy?” I asked this causing him to look at me.

“Raccoon?” He replied as I rolled my eyes, of course, he responded with the nickname I hated. 

“Hardy har har.” I laughed afterward before getting up and grabbing the blanket in order to fold it up and clean the area. 

“Nope, sit back down V. You need to get better.” He looked over at me putting down the ladle he was using and walked to lean against the small island that separated the kitchen from the living room. 

“Look, I know your worries but..” I rubbed the back of my neck and then turned to him. “I’m okay, my head doesn’t hurt that bad,” I told him not noticing my own smile of relief. 

“Fine, but we need to talk.” He said rather bluntly, I swallowed thickly as put the blanket down. He was only like this when it was something important. 

“Um, alright,” I responded as I leaned up against the counter and looked around. “Wait... Where’s my mom?” I asked him as I straightened up my back. 

“Ah, Violet is at the store. She went to go get some stuff.” He said as he changed the stove to simmer just to keep the soup warm. “ Now, I want to talk before she gets back. This is important Virgil, so don’t lie to me.” 

I looked at him feeling my nerves begin to skyrocket, oh god. Of course, the living lie detector has found something out, but what is it? God… I’m gonna puke. I nodded and gave him an uncomfortable smile, well… Tried too. 

“Let’s go to my room,” I told him as I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked it, it’s just after 6. 

Once we had entered my room I turned to look at him as he sat down at my desk. I hadn’t noticed I had been chewing my lip until I tasted a bit of blood. I started to feel my eyes burn again so I pretend to rub my eyes as I waited for the glowing to stop.

“Virgil, What happened to the wound on your hand.” Janus broke the tension in the air with his sharp words. I opened my eyes and pulled my hand up finally noticing the missing glove.

Fuck.. I looked up at him, he appeared calm and knew was he was talking about. I gave an uncomfortable sigh as I looked up at him, I honestly don’t know what to say without seeming insane. 

“Okay, This is gonna sound crazy but I think I have superpowers.”


Word Count: 1.3k

Characters: Virgil, Mrs. Storm, Janus, Logan, Patton

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