Lovly dention with babyface

Start from the beginning

'Dang so aggressive. Kinda hot. WAIT WHAT?!' I decided to stop thinking and opened the door. Nice cool air hitting me....I instantly put my short sleeve shirt back on.

Waking around new parts of town was kinda nice some people seemed scared some waved and others ignored us. I saw a group of kids and took my little bag of and threw something at them you can take a guess it starts with a p and ends with a b. *BOOM* I laughed as the kids started complaining and one even cried.

This was fun. I saw my Aunts store in view and walked in with Fuyuhiko. "Hey aunty!" She lived upstairs in the store it wasn't opened yet but I had a key. "Coming sweetie!" "Make sure to have a shirt on I have a friend with me!" If he was really my friend I don't know but that's what I'm calling this. She came down fixing her shirt. "Hey there why are you here? It's kinda early and you were here a day or two ago."

I scratched the back of my neck. And have a nervous laugh. "Well I may or may not have completely trashed the detention room and graffitied the school. Oh and on the way here I threw some of my last bombs at some kids." She layghed. "Your so much like you mom." When my mom was alive she was the Ultimate Prankster....I miss her but then again I never really knew her. But I had been told stories about her. "You never know. Anyway I'm just where to get some supplies hang out and then we're going to explore some other parts of town."

She nodded and I got eveything and we left. "You need that much shit for those little bombs of yours." "Yeah and there way more complicated than you think you asshole."  He rolled his eyes and just walked ahead. "Dumbass you don't even know where we're going!" "Then hurry the fuck up!" "God so fucking impatient!" I ran up to him and grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the ally.

It was very cramped and he was pushed up against me. Our body's pushed against each other totally doesn't seem worst but I don't mind. "What the h-" I threw my hand over his mouth. "I don't know where they could have went!" "Well you better hope young master is t hurt." Once they passed by I moved my hand. "Sorry just don't want to be found."

After I checked to make sure they were gone I made a run for it towards the woods.

Once I was back at the cliff sitting with Fuyuhiko he spoke up.

"Hey when you said you found this cause you ran from the cops why were you running?" Wow no cussing and he seemed to actually care. "Oh well....you see I kinda stole something...and they found me hanging around the black market." He seemed even more shocked. "Why the fuck were you there!" "Because I can't get tear gas legally you dumbass and I needed to pick something up for someone. I was running and stumbled upon this place. If you listen closely you can hear the water from down below."

We went silent and the sight sound of water was all you could hear along with some bride chirping. "They had found me and I jumped off the cliff taking a risk and I landed in the water I broke my arm but t was worth it. Heheh a paint bomb went off on me." I loved taking risks. Even if I did get really hurt. "Tch fucking dumbass."

I looked over to him and he looked very peaceful. "Stop ducking staring it's weird." "Sorry."

Bored I began to always stoats building the molds for the bombs. Fuyuhiko looked over from time to time but really just kinda looked at the city. He seemed to enjoy our time together but I wasn't sure he honestly was just mean to me 24/7.

Fuyuhiko's POV: As she was doing who knows what with the shit she bought I looked every now and then but mainly looked down at the city. The cliff was pretty high up how did she only break her arm.

I wonder what goes on in her head I know it's and odd thing to think but yu can only imagine I mean she's so unique and odd one can only imagine. "Hey dumbass." "Hm." "You want to start headed back to school it's late." She looked up and saw that the sun was setting.

The light reflected off her s/c(skin color) perfectly making it look like she was glowing. "I don't know...I know where there's a hotel if you want to go there." I looked at her oddly. "Oh SHIT! No no no not like that I mean I just ugh if you don't want to go to school and be scolded or we could go back to my aunts place!!"

She looked cute flustered. "I don't give a damn." She got her stuff together and grabbed my wrist.


Y/n's POV: "I don't know where they are ok! I'm worried about Y/n more than Fuyuhiko he can take care of himself!" "Ibuki how could you say that!" "Oh come on Peko you know he can take care of himself!"

I pulled Fuyuhiko into a less cramped ally. "Come on I know a shortcut." I whispered to him he simply nodded. I dragged him through the ally until he got to my aunts store.

"Hey auntie we're staying. The night if your cool with that!" Her shop was closed meaning she was upstairs. She walked downstairs. "Ok the guest room is set up you still have some clothes here. Make sure you get to school tomorrow." "Yeah yeah I will."

Fuck you!! Fuyuhiko kuzuryuu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now