Oh fuck

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A/n:Honestly I love these three

Y/n's POV: 'How long has she been there?! Is this my fault?! What's going to happen? I'm a bad friend aren't I?' I felt myself slowly going into a panic attack. "Peko....what's wrong?" I don't know if that right thing to say but I just wanted to make sure she wasn't upset about us kissing or if she saw that, I hope she didn't. "You....you Y/n your the problem. This is the problem!" She managed to say through tears.

So she did see. Great just great what do I do. "I'm sorry Peko, I like him I'm sorry." Don't think that was the right thing to say but I don't know what to do. "Look this whole week I've been crying and forcing myself to stay away from him because I knew you liked him.....and I thought he felt the same towards you, even though it put me threw pain I wanted you to be happy and stayed away." I paused and tried not to cry and looked at her. "Can't you be happy for me...if we really are friends. Could you please just calm down Peko honestly I want you to be happy even if it means I'm putting myself in pain. I'm your friend but yet it feels like you hate me for something I can't control."

The tears slipped down my cheek. "....You should have just stayed away from us Y/n, I never really could stand you you were childish and loud to energetic for me." I clenched my fist. "Well sorry I'm not fucking perfect to your fucking liking! Sorry I can't be so fucking dull and boring and like to have fun and be myself! Sorry I tried to even be nice to you!"

I stormed off pissed off at her being petty. Like she's supposed to be my friend and friends are supposed to be happy for each other right? 'I tried to stay away from him so she could get her happy ending but clearly that didn't work. I mean did he even that kiss or is he just toying with me. God damnit! I hope he meant it I really do.'

I slumped down my back against a tree closed my eyes and sighed. "Why the fuck is everything so fucking difficult?" I sighed again and began to carefully toss a glitter bomb in the air.

Until I got spooked by Fuyuhiko and I dropped it and the glitter got all over us both, to which caused me to laugh. "So what happened?" "I tried talking to her but she still seems mad, don't worry it she'll get over her little hissy fit soon." "Hey...did you mean to kiss me?" I know I probably sound really fucking dumb asking that but can you blame me I have trust issues. "Yes you dumbass."   I giggled.  "So does this make us officially dating?" I say giving another giggle at the end because I just couldn't help it I honestly thought this was funny. "Only if your ok with it dumbass." He turned away blushing.

I hugged the already glitter covered Fuyuhiko and said yes while trying to hold back tears of joy. "Ay no fucking crying on my watch." I giggled again and just buried my head in his neck. (Remember he taller then you) "Your needy." "Only when it come to attention." He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on top of mine. "Hey Fuyu-Chan how did Peko find us? I've only ever taken you here." "She probably followed us." "Ok."

I was happy I was with the person I loved and cared for even though he was mean to me. But I still couldn't believe Peko really said those things to me. I thought I was her friend. But I just have to try and forget about it. I might try and talk to her once she's cooled offf by I don't know just yet. "Should we head back to school or should we just stay here?" "How about you trash the school since you haven't in awhile?" I liked that I sounded fun and I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah let's go."

Fuck you!! Fuyuhiko kuzuryuu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now