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Found this in my drafts so I published it months later, reading back this story I realized how good it was and I'm torn between continuing to write or stopping? Draco lovers i feel as if have disappeared now lol.


After classes had finished I rushed over to lunch and sat alone once again, the entirety of lunch I could feel eyes burning holes into my skin coming from Draco's pissed off look. I sat looking at my food and eating knowing that If I looked up at him after what'd occurred in class earlier today, I'd start to turn red. Once lunch had ended I found my way towards Hermione and Luna who had called me over. They asked me if I wanted to join them at the Quidditch field later today to watch Harry and Ron practice, I said yes and we agreed to meet at the castle doors and leave together.

I made my way to my dorm quickly and changed into a jean skirt and a black sweater vest paired with some black mary jane shoes. For my hair I left it as it which it has been down and wavy all day, I grab a small bag and put it on just in case I need it with my personal belongings. It's now 5pm and I rush out of my dorm and make my way up the dungeons to the castle doors where I find Hermione but not Luna.

"Hey, where's Luna?" I say as I lean into hug Hermione.

"She's probably late trying to find her shoes or something else that the 'nargals' stole from her." I giggle and so does she.

"Luna better get here before 5:30 or we'll have to make our way to the field without her. I specifically told her to be ready on time!" Hermione began to sound annoyed.

"Hey, hey! It's fine, I'm sure she's on her way he- look here she comes now Mione!"

"Luna! Get over here, we have to start making our way over to the field or we'll miss their practice."

Luna makes her way towards us and sure enough she had misplaced something and blamed it on nargals, typical Luna. We arrive at the Quidditch field in a matter of minutes, I'll never get used to this place it's breathtaking and so massive. Hermione finds us our seats towards the middle of the rows and Luna follows behind us as we make our way to our seats, soon enough we've made it and are seated. I notice that not that many students are seated to watch them practice, better for us because we'll be able to have our privacy and time to discuss school gossip.

During the practice match between Gryffindor and Slytherin we watched as Draco and Harry went head to head, they're both brilliant players but Harry has Draco beat for sure. Occasionally I'd rise up in my seat and cheer for Harry and the others as well would cheer for whoever they were there to cheer on. I caught myself looking at Draco a lot during the match seeing how good his uniform looked on him and the way that his hair flowed  as he soared on his broom, suddenly I'd snap myself out of it knowing that I can't let myself wonder to those thoughts... especially after the stunt he pulled this morning.

After a couple hours the match ended and we made our way to the field to meet with Ron and Harry who were all sweaty and panting like dogs from their practice. We exchanged a few words and they were off to the boys room to get changed and cleaned before heading back to the castle.

"Y/N, shall we go back to the castle?" Says Luna softly.

"Yeah, you two go ahead I'll catch up. I have to talk to someone."

"Alright, be careful N/N." Hermione leans into hug me before walking away with Luna.

I turned back to the Quidditch field and made my way to Draco who was seated at a bench removing some parts of his uniform along with his shoes. From where I was walking he could not see me approaching but Blaze was standing facing my direction and when he sees me approaching he says a couple words to Draco that prompt him to turn my way, Blaze gives me a fake smile and walks off. As Draco watches me take my final steps until I'm standing in between his knees looking down into his eyes I feel heat burning on my cheeks, I'm blushing. He looks at me with no emotion in his eyes and his eyebrows furrow as if he was confused.

"Hey.." I say softly.

"What are you doing here, Y/N?"

"I saw you playing and I uh- just wanted to say that yo- you did amazing out there." silence so loud that I can hear my own breathing envelopes around us.

"Is that all, because I recall you cheering for Harry. I said we can't be around each other in public." he stands and walks over towards his bag. "Go back to the castle, we can't be seen together."

"I can't walk alone... It's already dark, Draco." I drop my eyes to my fidgeting fingers.

"Fine. Don't speak to me on the way there and keep up. I won't stop."

"Okay.." I follow as his tall body takes large strides towards the exit of the field.

As we're walking I try my hardest to keep up but it becomes too much for me, he's 6'2 and I'm Y/H!! How the bloody hell am I supposed to catch up so fast? I'm breathing heavy as I'm practically running and in a flash I trip over a patch of uneven pavement on the ground and hit the floor instantly and my knees take the most of the scrape. I let out a whimper as I grab my knees to find that they're bleeding and Draco turns around when he sees this, I begin to let out hot tears from my eyes from not only the burning pain but from what happened earlier.

Draco drops his bag and kneels down by my side with a worried look on his face, I turn my head in the other direction not wanting him to see me cry like a little girl. He moves his hand to touch my knee and examine my cuts but I flinch at his touch.

"Don't touch me, we can't be seen together remember." I say still with my head turned away.

"Y/N, I will explain why some other time just please let me help you up so we can get back to our dorms, It's dark and It's almost time for lights out. I'm sure you don't want to get detention." He sighs and reaches over again lifting me up.

"Please, stop crying. I'll clean your wounds once we're in our common room."

"What about the wounds you've caused?" I look up at him with tears streaming down my cheeks and roll my eyes as I move past him to limp towards the castle.

"Y/N/N..." He grabs his bag and makes his way next to me.

"Let me carry you the rest of the way."

"No, I'd rather take my chances in the forbidden forest rather than be in your arms again." I once again begin to limp towards the castle.

I know what I said wasn't true but after seeing him with Pansy... I'd rather not be in his arms if this is what things are going to be like. One moment he's sweet and trying to open up, the next he wants nothing to do with me and doesn't speak to me for days. Draco stayed quiet the rest of the way, but walked close to my side. I'm sure that I'd struck a nerve with what I'd said... Soon we arrive at the castle and I make my way to our common room as fast as I can, I notice that Draco was no longer walking behind me as I arrive at the doors and say the password to enter.

Once inside I sit on the sofa by the fire place and luck me. NOT. I find Blaze and Pansy seated in the sofa across from me. I lean my head back and ignore their conversation and to my surprise they don't engage in torturing me with their petty words. I hear the doors open and look to see if it was Draco and sure it was him, but with medical supplies in his hands. He signals for me to follow him up the stairs to his dorm and I roll my eyes and lean my head back once again. As I am relaxing I feel two cold hands pick me up bridal style for a moment and drop me over their shoulder and begin to walk away.

"LET GO OF ME YOU BLOODY TWAT! PUT ME DOWN AT ONCE DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!!!" I say as I bang on the back of his chest... he only laughs and goes up the stairs to his dorm room door.

Thanks for reading... to be continued :)

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