4. Eventful classes

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This morning I got up fairly early along with a couple other students and made my way to the great hall for breakfast. I made sure to move quickly from the common room and up from the dungeons trying not to see Draco or anyone for that matter from Slytherin. On my way up I kept replaying last nights events in my head.. "I'm sorry" after so long the great emotionless platinum haired idiot apologized? I wonder what compelled him to do so. Was it all one sick joke? Was he being genuine?

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear my name being called by a soft voice. Platinum blonde hair, snow while skin, rosey cheeks, and a personality that most would consider strange. Luna Lovegood, I myself find her quite fascinating and great to be around. She's such a sweat and caring girl, deeply misunderstood by other students.

"Y/N! hello, I've been looking all over for you"
Luna says in a soft tone while finishing her steps towards me.

"Luna, It's only 7am.. The days just begun, why would you be looking everywhere for me?"

"Oh you know! I tried looking for you yesterday but instead decided to go explore around the castle when I couldn't find you." She smiles.

"So I woke up set on finding you at breakfast so that we could catch up, what do you say Y/N?" Luna nudges my left arm in a playful manner.

How could I say no? Look at her! SHE'S ADORABLE!

"Absolutely, Luna. Let's go inside shall we, I'm starving."

We make our way inside, get our breakfast and sit at a table together. Not many other students are around at this hour because most of them are still sleeping until 8am. Luna begins to eat her food and I notice she has no shoes on.

"Luna... Where are your shoes, Have you lost them again?"

"The nargals are behind it, those sneaky little things." She lets out a soft laugh and looks back down at her food and continues to eat.

"Would you like any help trying to find them?"

"No thank you, Y/N. I'll find them when the time is right."

I simply smile and give a small nod and also continue to eat my food like a madwoman from how starving I am.

Eventually we finish our food right before 8:00am and Luna says goodbye going back up to her common room. I too make my way back down to the the common room and walk in to a sight I thought I'd never see. Pansy was draped over Draco on the black couch.. And he seemed in no way phased by this??? His attention is taken off of Crabbe and Blaise who're on the couch in front of him and Pansy.

Without noticing I stand there for a moment too long just observing from a distance such a horrific scene. Disgusting. Draco on the other hand looked quite unbothered and relaxed as his hand was over her shoulders. I don't know what I'm feeling, but I don't like it.

Draco makes eye contact with me and a stupid grin appears on his face as if he knew what I was feeling and he wanted to rub it in a little more. I make a face of disgust towards him and turn to walk up the stairs to my dorm to get ready for classes.

I enter my dorm with tears in my eyes, why do I care so much? I shouldn't be affected by this... It's not like I have feelings towards Draco, I just want my best friend back. Or at least that's what I thought. I make my way to my wardrobe and pull out my uniform and robe and get dressed. I walk to my mirror and brush my hair leaving it be because it doesn't look too bad.

I walk back into the common room and to my surprise, they're still sitting together. I make my way out of the common room without acknowledging them again and hurry up the stairs to the main castle.

Draco, Why me?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang