6. ~Morninggg~

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I wake up to the warmth of the morning sun hitting my skin from the large windows in the room. I go to move and realize where I am.. I'm being held by Draco, in his bed, inside of his room?! I begin to panic but am stopped from the piercing headache that's just appeared from the alcohol last night. Never. Again.

Draco begins to move a bit but doesn't wake up and his grip around my waist is still held tight. I go to remove his hands but instead I move my head backwards to look at his face, he looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. So cute... Omg I need to stop with these thoughts about this bloody idiot!

"Draco..." I whisper.

"Draco, wake up... I have a really bad headache and want to go lay in my room. Let go of my waist." Again I whisper and this time he groans signaling to me that he was listening.

"Get out. Forget this happened and tell no one of last nights events." He says letting go of my waist and turning to the other side of the bed away from me.

"Don't worry me telling anyone is as possible as you deciding to go against daddy dearests commands. Never. Gonna. Happen. Goodbye, Malfie" I say in stern tone.

I storm towards the door and slam it on my way out from embarrassment and madness.. and a little regret. He's so bloody hot and cold, I need to stay away from him for the sake of my sanity.

I walk down the boys stairs towards the common room and quickly walk towards and up the girls stairs to my dorm. I walk in and instantly run over to my bed and climb in not wanting to waste another minute longer thinking with a blaring headache. I fall asleep almost as soon as my head hits my soft pillows.

It's now 7:46am and I totally missed breakfast but I'm fine without it, I'd probably just spit it back up from my hangover. I get up and walk towards my bathroom and quickly shower. I put my hair into a messy bun and go to get my uniform and robe to throw on. As I am finishing putting on my uniform and go to add my tie I notice some bruises on my neck.. Draco and his bloody rings are to blame. I put on my tie and grab my things to head out to the common room, it's now 8:20 and I have 10 minutes to make it to my first class of the day.

I make it just on time to class and yAy lucky me I have to sit next to Draco during charms class, I take my seat where i've always sat. I realize that Draco isn't inside and he's now late for class which is so rare for him, I hope he's okay.

Classes conclude for the day and It's now 4:36pm.

I make my way back to the common room set on finding Draco and finding out why he attended none of his classes today. Inside I find the usual students but no platinum blondie which now makes me worry, what could he possibly be doing?? I think and get the idea to walk to his dorm room and see if he's inside.

*knock. knock. knock*

"Draco, are you in there? Are you alright?"
I hear shuffling behind the door.

"Hello, are you hur-"

"Get away and don't come back to my door Y/N! Stop trying to fix us."

"Draco, just open up please! Just this once and that's all i'm asking." I move towards the door and place my hands on it pleading to Draco.

"Y/N, no!" His voice cracks a bit.

"Are you crying? Draco open up, I can help you!" I hear no response.

"Alright, You know where to find me if you need me." I let go of the door knob and turn to walk away.

*Door unlocks*

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