2. 6th Year

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Here I am the night before we're set to start our 6th year back at Hogwarts, writing one more stupid letter to Draco.

he will never even care, I think to myself.

I'm writing to him as one last attempt to get my best friend back. I miss him so much, Merlin knows what's going on inside his head with Lucius as his father.

My letter is not much different than the countless others I've written and sent out. The letter reads:

Dear Draco,
I know we haven't spoken in a really long time, but don't you think it's time for us to be friends again?  I miss my best friend and I don't think I can go another year without you by my side, Draco. We're starting out 6th year tomorrow and I hope you decide to talk to me. I need you. I know it's hard to be the son of Lucius Malfoy, but you don't have to do what he says or take after him. Please just think about coming back to me.
Love, Y/N.

I know it's stupid to think that after so long he would just magically turn around and want to be best friends again. One can only hope. 

I got up from my wooden desk in my bedroom and walked to my owls cage by my window. She's a snowy owl, her name is, Snowflake. I know it's childish but I think it suits her very well. I get to Snowflake and I open her cage and take her out, I place her on my window and open it up.

I place the card into her talons and tell her
"Snowflake, please deliver this to Draco Malfoy at the manor... I know." *eye roll* She flys off and I close the window and get into my cozy bed. I drift off to sleep knowing that tomorrow starts another term at Hogwarts.

Time skip...

My parents and I arrive at platform 9 3/4 just 10 minutes before boarding time and we make our way through the crowd. I see a couple of the students that I know along the way to the trains entrance and I casually wave hello to them.

As we're approaching the entrance I spot platinum hair and a black suit and I instantly know, Malfoy. Narcisa and Lucius were standing next to their son waiting to board the train to Hogwarts like the rest of us. My mother walks up and says:

"Hello, cissy! Hello, Lucius, Draco"

"Hello, Darling we've so much to catch up on" says Narcisa.

At this point my parents and Draco's parents are chattering away while I keep my eyes glued to the floor. There's no way that I could look at Draco right now especially since I have no fucking clue of whether he got my letter. Or should I say MANY letters.

Suddenly I feel a nudge on my right arm. I look up and see.. Draco? He's looking to the right into the crowds of many students and their families. I look at him all confused at this sudden act, Merlin, he's changed so much over the summer!

"Draco, what do you need?"

-I say looking up at him still waiting for him to turn my way and look at me. But, it never comes... he simply continues to look to the crowds. I can't help but feel a sting of emotion whenever he chooses to act like I'm dead. I'd rather a one word response.

I go back to staring at the ground. I hear our mothers begin to say that it's time to board the train.

"Y/N, let's get on with it! Your father will bring your trunks up and please sit with, Draco. I love you, Y/N! Owl me whenever you can, Darling." - Y/M/N

My mother proceeds to kiss me on the forehead and walk me up to the entrance of the train. I kiss my mother and father goodbye and walk onto the train looking for a booth.

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