
965 24 7

Yugyeom and BamBam find out about Byeol's "date"

"Excuse me, Moon. Care to tell me why Minghao asked us if it was okay to take you out to eat?" Yugyeom said, raising an eyebrow. She rolled her eyes as she attempted to put on eyeliner. It was her fifth time trying and she wasn't having any luck. "It's not really your business now, is it? Get out. I need to change."

She shoved out of the room before he could say anything else. She put on a navy blue dress with a little silver belt that ran across her middle. She had actually styled her hair; the black strands falling down in little curls right above her shoulders. The make up wasn't working so, she took it off.

She kept reminding herself that this wasn't an actual date, they were only teasing. This was just getting food with a friend. Why she suddenly cared so much about how she looked was beyond her. She slipped on a pair of black flats and walked out of her room.

"Oh no, I don't think so." BamBam said, cornering her in the hallway. She rolled her eyes, tapping her foot. "Move, Bam. I need to leave now if I don't want to be late. It's rude to make people wait." BamBam didn't budge and she sighed, trying to push him, with no luck. "Miss it's not a date yet here you are in a dress?! You don't even wear dresses for work stuff! And is that makeup?!"

He licked his thumb, rubbing it over her cheek and she smacked his hand away. "Will you stop! I'm just getting lunch with a friend." Yugyeom scoffed. "He's our friend. Not yours." She clicked her tongue, tired of them acting childish. "He can have more friends than just you two. Jesus. I'm leaving." The little pang of jealousy she seemed to feel more and more these days reared it's ugly head as she slammed the door shut.

The whole way to the restaurant she was cursing Yugyeom and BamBam in her head. Why wasn't she allowed to be friends with their friends?! Sure, there was a slight age difference and they had their little group or whatever, but she was allowed to socialize! Just because they were friends with someone didn't mean that she couldn't be.

"Moon?" She stopped in her tracks, not even realizing she was standing in front of the restaurant. Minghao was staring at her worriedly. She probably looked like a crazy person. "Oh! Hello! Sorry, I was lost in my head." He offered a sweet smile, shaking his head. "It's alright. Uhm—uh, let's go in?" He awkwardly said and she let out a nervous chuckle and followed him in.

He was as stylish as ever; his white button up hanging loosely off his small frame with the first few buttons undone. Paired with black pants that made his butt stand out. He was wearing glasses and she thought it was cute. "H-here," he stuttered as he pulled the chair out for her. She sat down, giving him a small thanks and a shy smile. This was way out of her comfort zone.

He sat across from her. "You look—uhm, nice. Really nice." He said, biting his bottom lip and she felt her cheeks heat up a little. "Thank you! You do too. Look nice." He smiled. "So!" He clapped his hands together, trying to ease the awkwardness. "Anything you want to try? I've been here a bunch with the guys and it's really good but I know people have different palettes."

She reached over and patted his hand, almost cooing out loud when the tips of his ears turned pink. "Surprise me. I'm not picky." She winked and he coughed, nodding his head. He ordered for them and they settled into easy conversation. "I really can't believe you said yes to coming out to eat with me." He said as the waiter brought them the last of their food.

"Why wouldn't I? We're friends." He looked down, a forced smile on his face. "Yeah. Right. Friends. We are." She raised a brow, tapping the table. "What's wrong? We're not?" He shook his head furiously. "No! We are—I just—I wanted this to be a date." She felt her cheeks flame and she was sure they were the same color as the strawberry dessert in front of her.

"I—uhm, oh. Okay." She looked up at him, biting the inside of her cheek. "O-okay?" He asked and she nodded. He looked relieved. "Cool. This is a date. Alright. Oh! I didn't bring you flowers!" He looked visibly regretful and Byeol couldn't help but let out a laugh. "I don't like them, you're fine. Trust me, this is already a step up from what I usually do."

He raised a brow. "And what do you usually do on dates?" She shrugged, popping a strawberry in her mouth. "Honestly? I don't know. I've never been on one. Well, a real one." He looked shocked at that and she only shrugged. "Married to my work." Was all she said and he hummed in response. "I know what you mean. But what do you usually like to do?"

They had left at this point and he had insisted on her walking her back to her apartment. "I'm not really into like this stuff. I like food, trust me. But I don't really like dressing up unless I have too. And I like sports and sometimes going to the gym. Or just sitting outside. Pretty easy going." He smiled, their hands bumping into each other a few times before he finally grabbed it. She felt her whole face heat up and she was glad it was too dark for him to tell.

"Well, next time we can go to the Han River and get junk food." She smiled, turning to face them. She was home now and she stood on her tip toes to kiss his cheek. "Sounds perfect. Let me know when?" He nodded and even in the dark Byeol could tell he had a bright smile on his face.

As she walked towards her building, she dropped her keys and yelped as two people jumped out at her. "You two nearly gave me a damn heart attack! What is wrong with you!?" She picked up her keys in a huff, ready to tell security to keep BamBam and Yugyeom locked out of the building for the rest of the night. "Did you kiss him?!"

Byeol rolled her eyes, walking in the building. "And you were holding hands! I thought you were friends!" She entered her apartment, wondering why she ever agreed to share with Yugyeom in the first place. "You're my friends and I hold your hands." BamBam shook his head. "That's different!" She scoffed, sitting down on the couch.

"I can't believe you kissed him!" Yugyeom said again and she threw a pillow at him. "That's what you do after dates, doofus. Not like you would know. You cower whenever a girl gets within 3 feet of you." He glared at her as she smiled at him. "MOON!" BamBam yelled and she groaned. "Seriously?! Don't you have your own place?! Why are you here?!" He ignored her. "You held hands, you kissed him, you let him feed you some of the food off his—" Yugyeom slapped a hand over BamBam's mouth.

"What?" Byeol said, standing up and narrowing her eyes at the two boys in front of her. "How would you know that he fed me food?" Yugyeom smiled, slowly backing away with BamBam in tow. "Nothing, noona. He's just tired and is talking nonsense." BamBam nodded. "You were there. The whole time." She said, walking closer. Yugyeom eyes his bedroom door. If they could make it there, they'd be safe.

BamBam coughed and Yugyeom nudged him. He nodded and in a second the two took off, sprinting into Yugyeom's room and locking the door. "Yah! Open this door right now! Kim Yugyeom!" The two boys only looked at each other. At least they were safe.

For tonight. 

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