8 Or Never

603 13 9

Byeol with her boys

Winding down from all the excitement, Byeol placed the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table as she sat in between BamBam's legs. He automatically started running his fingers through her hair and she leaned back, letting out a content sigh.

"I'm going to miss this," she murmured and BamBam laughed. "You're still going to see me, babo. Especially when you live with Yugs." She scrunched up her nose and elbowed his shin. "You can't just invite yourself over! You should just move in. I swear you're here more than I am." BamBam shrugged. "Maybe I will."

Byeol rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers to get him to go back to massaging her scalp. "Today was fun, really fun." She said with a smile as the others hummed in agreement. Today was also the day that the news had come out confirming none of them were renewing their contract with JYPE.

While fans were up in a tizzy, they all felt perfectly content with their decision. "What are you going to do? The article said what our plans were, but it didn't say anything about you." Jaebeom asked her and she shrugged. "Freeload off Yugyeom." Yugyeom threw a pillow at her and she kicked it away with a grin.

She sat up, nestling her back against the couch and resting her arms on BamBam's thighs. "Honestly, just relax. I want to get more into producing. I talked to Harin and Seulki yesterday. We're going to do a little something together." Yugyeom's eyes went wide and he leaned forward.

"Yah! You didn't tell me that! That's awesome! Can I help?" Byeol shook her head. "Nuh-uh. Girls only. Besides, you're gonna be pretty busy if you decide to sign with AOMG." He frowned and she chuckled. "Does that mean you aren't going to live here anymore?" She looked at Yugyeom bewildered.

"Are you planning on kicking me out?" He shook his head before she even finished her question. "Then I'm not going anywhere. Besides, we all know you can't live alone you big baby." He rolled his eyes as the others laughed.

"I'm gonna miss my Markipoo though when he returns to the mother land." She teased and Mark chuckled, nudging her shoulder with his foot. "You're welcome to visit anytime, Moon. You're family too." She nodded. "Maybe I'll move in with Mark instead. LA is nice pretty much all year."

Yugyeom's eyes went wide and Jinyoung laughed. "Yugyeom-ah, you can move in with me." He looked relieved and Byeol laughed. "You really are a baby. I'm just going to visit. Mama and Papa Tuan haven't been graced with my presence in a while." Mark only rolled his eyes. "They love you more than me anyways." She winked and he only huffed. It was possibly true.

"Maybe you can help me out a little too," JB said and Byeol happily agreed. "Anything for my leader," she batted her eyelashes and Jaebeom cringed. "Technically, I'm not your leader anymore." She frowned at that and everyone quieted down.

"You're always going to be our leader," Youngjae said quietly and the others nodded in agreement. Byeol looked up to meet his gaze. "Group or no group, solo or no solo, you're my leader. Always."

"JB BEST LEADER!" BamBam yelled and the others joined while Jaebeom only laughed. "Fair enough. But really. Maybe we can collab on something." Byeol nodded and shot him a thumbs up. "That would be wonderful."

"Oh! And we'll all have to meet up to watch Youngjae and Jinyoung's dramas! There's no way we can miss those." She said and the two boys groaned while the others all cheered. "Just don't visit the set. The last time you did you tripped over a cord and almost broke a camera." Jinyoung was serious but Byeol only stuck her tongue out.

"It was an accident. I would have paid for it. Youngjae oppa, I can come see you, right?!" She placed her chin on BamBam's knee and gave him her best puppy dog eyes. Youngjae laughed and patted the top of her head. "Obviously. I need someone to bring me coffee and someone to watch Coco." Byeol gasped in fake shock and Youngjae laughed.

"I'll still talk to you sometimes when I'm on a break or something. But you as personal assistant sounds nice." She flicked him off as the others laughed. "I already have plans for us to collab," Jackson said and Byeol smiled. "I don't want to collab with you on music. I want to be a model for your clothes!" Jackson's mouth dropped open and Byeol laughed.

"Fine, fine. I guess we can work on music together, but I'd much rather model. Ya know, try new things." She wiggled her eyebrows and BamBam flicked the back of her head. "Yah! I thought you were going to do that for me!" She glared at him over her shoulder. "Not anymore since you just flicked the back of my head. Abusive. Scandalous. I'm telling the world."

He pushed her away and brought his legs up and she pouted. "That's what you get for being a brat." She crossed her arms and pouted some more. It was bittersweet to say the least but Byeol knew that just like her, the others felt a calming relief and happiness.

There was excitement and she was ready to play PR manager for all 7 of her boys when the time came just like they would do for her. In only a few short weeks they would be totally on their own and for whatever reason, that didn't make her feel anxious or scared. She was happy and ready.

It had been a wild seven years, but she had spent it with some of the best people in her life. If she counted the years she spent training with them, it was closer to a decade. She looked around the room as they drank and talked and laughed and smiled to herself.

These were the people who had her back from day one. Who fought for her to debut with them, who stood up for her when she would get hate, who had her back when her past came to light. She never had to worry about feeling alone or being alone because she had these seven men by her side.

She made a promise to herself when they first debuted that she would always support them the best she could. She might not be good with words or actions, but she was good at caring for the people she loved. Honestly, she would never find anyone she loved more than these seven men sitting around her.

She was going to do everything to support everything they all had planned, even if she wasn't a part of it. She was still going to send food trucks and coffee trucks for Jinyoung. She was still going to hype Jackson up when he overworked himself and argue with JB for not taking care of himself. She was going to be in the crowd when Yugyeom started performing again, dressed up in any merch of him she could get her hands on. Hell, she'll make her own light stick for all seven of them.

This wasn't over, not in the slightest. It never would be.

"One more time for old times sake?" JB said and everyone smiled, agreeing. Their hands all met in the middle as JB counted down. They threw their hands up, all with the biggest smiles they've worn in the longest time.


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