WTDSU: May Parker's Nephew - the Vigilante

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After the final scene in Homecoming...

Peter: *panic* Aunt May! I can explain!

May: *shock* You are SpIdeR-mAn?!

Peter: *anxious*

May: How did you even get this suit?!

Peter: Well, I made my original suit and worked on the web technology myself, but Mr. Stark is the one who gave me this suit-

May: Tony Stark is in on this too?! What about your internship?

Peter: *becomes very interested in the floor*

May: ... It was a cover story, wasn't it?

Peter: *nods sheepishly*

May: I'm going to have a talk with that Stark!

May: *muttering* I can't believe I fell for it, what were they thinking, tricking me like that!

Peter: *waits until his aunt leaves and proceeds to go on patrol*

*May drives to Stark Industries and demands to talk to Tony. Tony is alerted and, when he realizes who it is, agrees to meet with her.*

May: How dare you go behind my back and let my nephew be a vigilante!

Tony: Now, Ms. Parker...

May: I don't care if you're a millionaire! Y-

Tony: It's billionaire... actually...

May: ...

Tony: ...

May: ...

Tony: ...

May: I wouldn't care if you were a TRILLIONIARE! You knew my precious nephew was doing dangerous things and you let him continue! You even encouraged it!

Tony: *sighs* Listen, Ms. Parker... I did not force your nephew into anything. He was already parading around as Spider-Man before I met him. In fact, after he helped in the avengers' little... disagreement... I kept trying to keep him from doing too much, but the kid wouldn't stop!

May: But you gave him that suit!

Tony: He was going to do it whether I gave him the suit or not! I let him have the suit so he is more protected while doing this hero thing - which he absolutely has his mind set on doing.

May: But-

Tony: Tell me, Ms. Parker, would you rather Peter do this job in a get-up he made himself out of everyday clothing, or a high-tech suit designed and built by someone who has been in similar situations to his?

May: ...the latter...

Tony: *pleased* Peter's a good kid - that's the reason he is doing this in the first place! No person is going to change his mind, all we can do is help him be safer while doing it.

May: *deep breath* Alright, I understand... In that case, thank you, Mr. Stark.

*May leaves Stark Industries and from then on supports Peter in his endeavors, although this doesn't stop her from reprimanding him about safety procedures.*

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