Operation Pepperony - Pt 1

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I had this really fun idea where Tony is still Peter's mentor and Iron Man, but Pepper is Peter's cousin, and Peter has to play matchmaker for his mentor and cousin. Also, Peter and May live in an actual house instead of an apartment. (In this story they have a decent amount of family members in New York, so I feel like they would have more help and would be in a more comfortable living situation. Not that they are in a bad living situation in the movies, but I think with it being just May and Peter, May definitely has to work hard to pay the bills.)

"Hi, Mr. Stark!"

"Hey, kid!" Tony greeted, looking up from his work for a second to acknowledge Peter's presence, "You're a little late today..."

"I know Mr. Stark, I'm sorry," Peter apologized, setting his bag down near the workbench, "May and I were planning our Thanksgiving party and I lost track of time."

"It's fine, Pete. Come help me code this thing, would ya?"

"Of course, Mr. Stark!" Peter eagerly stood next to Tony, happy to help.

"And enough with this 'Mr. Stark'. It makes me feel old. Call me Tony."

"Oh, okay... Uh... Tony," Peter shifted uncomfortably, "I was, I was wondering if you would maybe, maybe want to, um, come to the party?"

Tony looked at Peter, "Your Thanksgiving party? Isn't that usually more of a family thing?"

Peter's cheeks flushed, "I-uh... I mean, I guess... But... Well, you kinda... are family... too me..." He mumbled the last part.

Tony was touched, "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to intrude..."

"It's your choice Mr. St- I mean, Tony... You don't have to come if you don't want to," Peter looked at the floor.

Tony turned back to his work, "What time should I be there?"

Peter looked up. "You mean you'll come?!" Peter asked hopefully.

"Sure. If you really want me to. But I need to know when I'm supposed to be there..."

"4:00 p.m. next Saturday."

"Perfect. I'll be there at 4:15," Tony confirmed.


Peter opened the front door, revealing a fashionably late Tony Stark.

"Tony! You came!" Peter exclaimed, eyes shining.

"Of course I did, kid," Tony said, stepping into the house and ruffling Peter's hair.

"Come on, I want to introduce you to my family!" Peter said eagerly.



Tony turned away from the relative that he had been conversing with in time to see a woman pull Peter into a warm embrace.

"I'm so happy you could come, Pepper!" Peter said, excepting the hug.

"Me too! I haven't seen you in forever!" Pepper exclaimed.

Tony just stood there, waiting to be introduced. For some reason he felt kind of uncomfortable, and he couldn't stop looking at her lovely, kind face.

Peter stepped back and turned to Tony, "Pepper! This is my mentor, Tony!"

Tony and Pepper locked eyes, staring at each other for a few seconds, before Pepper cleared her throat, "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Stark."

Tony shook her hand, "Please, call me Tony."

Pepper chuckled, "Okay, Tony."

They stood there awkwardly, not sure what else to say.

Peter stared suspiciously at them, a smirk growing on his face. "Come on, Tony. Let's go meet some other people," he said, tugging at Tony's arm. 

Tony reluctantly followed.

As they walked around, Peter confronted Tony, "So... what did you think of my cousin?"

"Who? Pepper? She was nice," Tony said, clearing his throat.

"Cool, cool... Do you like her?" Peter smirked.

Tony seemed surprised at the question, "I, uh, what do you mean?"

Peter stopped and turned to Tony, arms crossed, "Just admit it, Tony. I saw the way you were looking at her."

Tony rolled his eyes, "You are imagining things." He put on his sunglasses.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses indoors?"

"Because I like them and they make me look cool."

"Maybe... or you're using them to hide your emotions."


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