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*Video* A camera is set up filming a rooftop in Queens. A few seconds into the video, Spider-Man swings into the scene, landing in his signature pose before standing up. Spider-Man grabs his mask and pulls it off, revealing everyone's favorite science nerd, Peter Parker! Peter stares at the camera while saying calmly, "I am Spider-Man."

Peter Parker

Here is that proof you all have been waiting for! Surprise!

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@OfficialTonyStark Kid, did you seriously just copy me? -_-

@PeterParker @OfficialTonyStark Maybe.......... \_(0_0)_/

@spideyfan008 He was telling the truth...

@AdamSmith So you're Spider-Man! It's nice to finally put a face to the name! I want to thank you for last week, when you saved my daughter. Thank you so very much!

@spiderman376 Come on! This must be a green screen thing!

@spideyisbest @spiderman376 He literally swung onto the roof! What more proof do you need?!

@animalsquad Ah! You really are Spider-Man! 0-0 I want to say thank you for all you have done for us!

@PeterParker @animalsquad TYSM! I really appreciate that! :)

@animalsquad @PeterParker He actually replied!! :D You're welcome! UWU

@FlashdaBest WHAT?!

@NedLego @FlashdaBest That's right! Spider-Man is my best friend!

@FlashdaBest @NedLego Shut up, nerd!

@TheOnlyMJ @FlashdaBest Only I can call them nerds/losers! Also, really don't think you want to be insulting your favorite hero's best friend. \_(-_-)_/

@OfficialTonyStark @TheOnlyMJ So you're the MJ I've heard so much about... Also, nice burn. You've got spunk.

@PeterParker @OfficialTonyStark Mr. Stark!!!!!!!!!!

@TheOnlyMJ @OfficialTonyStark Your statement has intrigued me, please continue.

@PeterParker @TheOnlyMJ MJ, NO!!

@TheOnlyMJ @PeterParker You can't stop me, Loser. >:)

@spideysquad199 ^ This conversation is very entertaining! XD

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