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Peter was sick.

Sick of being stuck at home.

There was a virus going around, and because of said virus, the public was advised to stay in their homes. This meant no school, no visiting friends, and most importantly -

No Spider-Man.

Peter couldn't stand it! He missed the wind blowing past him as he swung, the exhilaration of stopping crime, coming up with new suit designs and testing them with Mr. Stark. However, it wasn't like the city desperately needed a hero at the moment. With so many people staying home, the amount of crime had gone down massively.

Peter spent his days doing the little bit of schoolwork being sent to him online, playing video games with Ned, snacking, and anything else he could think of to stop him from going insane. He would also open his bedroom window and gaze into the distance, always with half a mind to jump out the window and swing around the city.


It had been a week and a half since the last time Peter had been on patrol. He was in his room, staring at the city as he did most days, eating a bag of chips. With each minute that Peter looked outside, the urge to patrol grew stronger. Peter continued to munch on his chips, attempting to resist the urge. Even stronger it grew, as Peter continued to reach into the bag of snacks.

This time, he reached into the bag and felt nothing but emptiness. With nothing to distract him any longer, Peter gave into the urge, darting over to his closet and getting into his suit. He desperately leapt onto the window ledge, aiming to shoot a web, when he was yanked back inside.

"Peter, no!"

"Aunt May," Peter whined, pulling off his mask.

"No. You need to stay inside right now. No Spider-Man for a few weeks," May stated firmly.

"But it's driving me crazy! I'm getting bored of staying in my room all the time!"

"You could play video games with Ned..."

"Already done that."

"You could draw..."

"MJ's the artist. Not me."

"Work on school..."

"Already finished with everything that has been assigned thus far."

"Maybe you should call Tony and see if he has any ideas."

"I don't know... I wouldn't want to bother Mr. Stark."

"Peter, you know he doesn't think of you as a bother. I'm out of ideas, so you can either call him or sit here and think of something yourself," with this statement, May left the room.

Peter sprawled onto his floor with a sigh. He pulled his mask back on, "What do you think, Karen? Should I call Mr. Stark?"

"I do not think that would be a bad idea, Peter," Karen replied.

"But what if he is in an online meeting, or is really busy, or really focused on somethi-"

"Calling Mr. Stark."

Peter jolted up to a sitting position, "Karen, no! End call! End ca-"

"Hey, kid!"

"Hey, Mr. Stark..."

"Is everything alright? I hope you didn't use your suit to contact me because you are patrolling when you should be inside."

"No, Mr. Stark. I'm not on patrol," Peter paused, before mumbling, "Aunt May made sure of that."

"Ah, yes. The aunt is keeping you grounded," Tony chuckled, "So, why did you call?"

"Um... I was wondering if you had any ideas of what I could do to pass the time? I'm getting bored being stuck at the apartment."

"Hmm..." Tony paused to think, "Hey, why don't you stay at the tower for a while? Your aunt could come too if she wants. We've got plenty of levels to explore, with everyone on a mini-vacation from work."

"But we are suppose to keep our distance from others..."

"Kid, I don't care if I get sick. Besides, you already have one person you aren't distancing yourself from. What's a few more?"

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to bother you."

"To be honest, it's been pretty boring around here, with it just being me, Pep, and Happy. You would liven the place up!"


So May and Peter stayed at the tower for a few weeks, and soon after, the quarantine was lifted!

Here is a short story sort of reflecting the present time. Hopefully we won't be quarantined for too long. Stay safe and healthy, and I wish you luck on not getting as bored as Peter did.  : 3

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