Stark's Son?! (Pt. 1)

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Wowie, I'm on a roll! Hey, everyone, long time no see! Thanks so much for the continued support throughout the years. I can't believe this book is over 46k views! Just so you know, though I don't update much, I check up on this every so often and always take a look at new comments - so know your enthusiasm is still greatly appreciated! ^_^

So this is basically an AU within the Son of Stark AU, where Tony and Pepper are still Peter's parents, but they decide to keep that information private so he can have an ordinary childhood. Their good friend, May Parker, who Pepper has known since her own childhood, agreed to be the one to pose as Peter's guardian for parent-teacher meetings and other school events. The alibi for why they don't look alike is that May is his aunt.

This isn't going to be a full-fledged alternate AU. I just want to skip around and write about different people in Peter's life learning who his family really is. Hope you enjoy!

(This is in fifth grade btw)


Peter stared out the window and sighed. It was so unfair that the weather could be this nice on a school day. He couldn't wait to go home.

"...Parker? Peter Parker?"

Peter snapped to attention and raised his hand. "Here, sir! Sorry."

The teacher gave him a look as he put a check mark by Peter's name, then moved on to the next kid. Peter bent his head and mentally scolded himself. He knew how important it was that he respond to 'Parker.' His parents had just explained it to him again, as they did before every new school year, the night before. But with his head full of summer memories, which were enhanced by the bright blue, sunny day outside, and having spent the last month of vacation on their private island, where he was solely a Stark day and night, the surname had become foreign to him again.


"You sure space out a lot!" Ned commented as he unwrapped his sandwich for lunch.

Peter frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Um, hello? Do you not know how often you don't respond to your name, dude?"

"Oh." Peter forced out a laugh and plastered a smile to his face. "Yeah, guess I just daydream a bunch. Anyway, how was your summer?"

"Pretty great! I wish we could've hung out more, though. Where were you this past month, again?"

Peter's brows scrunched together as he tried to remember exactly what he had told Ned before. "Well, I was sick for a week, remember? Then Aunt May, uh, didn't want me doing much the next week because... she wanted to make sure I was fully healed before we visited family for the last two weeks."

Ned thought it over for a second, then said, "Oh yeah, that's right!"

Peter released a quiet sigh of relief.

"Anyway, wanna hang out tonight? My mom said she could pick us both up from school, and then your aunt could get you from our house when she needs to."

"That'd be great! Let me just ask," Peter responded eagerly as he grabbed his phone from his bag. 

Ned's jaw dropped. He pointed at Peter's phone and exclaimed, "Dude, is that the latest Stark phone model?  When did you get a new phone?"

Peter cringed. He hadn't thought about the reaction something as simple as a phone could bring. "I broke my phone during the trip. Aunt May decided that, if she had to pay for a new one anyway, she might as well pay a little more for the newest one," Peter said, frustrated with himself at how easily the lie rolled off his tongue. The truth, of course, was that his dad had simply upgraded the entire family because why wouldn't he when it was the phone brand he owned? Peter hurriedly typed out the request and sent it to the group chat he had with his dad, mom, and May, then tucked his phone back into his backpack before it could cause any more trouble.

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