Son of Stark Pt. 4

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Peter watched his dad retreat from the classroom. He looked around nervously before turning to the kid closest to him.

Peter gave the boy a warm smile, "Hi! My name is Peter!"

The boy looked up from his building blocks long enough to glare at Peter, "Go away!"

Peter took a step back, shocked at his angry tone.

Ms. Riley came up to them, "Be nice, Eugene! We are all friends here!"

Eugene rolled his eyes.

Peter walked away and sat down at one of the small tables. He grabbed a sheet of paper and some crayons.

"Cool drawing!"

Peter looked up from his half finished drawing of Iron Man to see that another little boy had sat down next to him.

The boy smiled at him, "Iron Man is awesome."

Peter gave him a friendly smile, "You think Iron Man is cool?"


Peter's smile widened, "He's my dad!"

"Really?! That is so cool!" the other boy squealed, eyes sparkling.

"My name is Peter."

"I'm Ned!"

Peter looked at Ned excitedly, "Wanna be friends?!"

"Sure!" Ned replied with a wide smile.

Ned and Peter spent the rest of the afternoon playing together.


Tony stood in front of the door to Peter's classroom. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door, praying that a completely miserable Peter would not greet him.

Ms. Riley opened the door, giving Tony a friendly smile, "Hello, Mr. Stark!"

Tony nodded his head in greeting.

Ms. Riley turned toward the classroom, "Peter! Your dad is here!"

"Dad!" Peter exclaimed, dashing toward the adults, eventually colliding with Tony's legs.

"Hey, kiddo!" Tony greeted, ruffling his hair.

Peter grinned excitedly at his dad, "Guess what?! I made a friend!," Peter turned around, looking for someone, "Ned!"

Another young boy, who Tony assumed to be Ned, approached Peter, "Yeah?"

"Ned! This is my dad!"

Ned looked up, finally acknowledging Tony. His eyes widened, "Hi, Mr. Iron Man!"

Tony chuckled, "Hello, Ned."

Ned gasped. "Iron Man knows my name!" he whispered excitedly to Peter.

"C'mon, Pete. We need to get going," Tony said.

"Okay..." Peter said sadly, "Bye, Ned!"

"Bye, Peter! See you tomorrow!"

Peter grabbed Tony's hand, waving at Ned one last time before the classroom door closed behind them. "Dad?" he asked.

"Yes, Peter?" Tony said, looking down at Peter.

"Can Ned come over to play sometime?" Peter asked, eyes full of hope.

Tony sighed, knowing he couldn't resist Peter's face, "Alright, kiddo, I'll see what I can do."

"Yay!" Peter exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air.

This was the beginning of a life long friendship.

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