Son of Stark Pt. 11

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It's back!

"So your dad knows now?" Ned asked as he and Peter strolled the halls of Midtown.


"What a relief," Ned sighed, "Now I don't have to worry about the possibility of Tony Stark showing up at my house one day and interrogating me for information about your whereabouts."

Peter chuckled, "Was that a legitimate concern of yours?"

Ned looked in the opposite direction, "Maybe..."

Peter laughed and turned his focus back to the hall, just in time to catch a familiar curly, brown haired head walking in their direction, "Hey, MJ!"

She looked at them, making eye contact for a second before looking at the floor and darting past them.

The guys stopped, watching as she continued down the hall, not looking back at them even once.

"What's up with her?" Peter wondered.

Ned shrugged.


"Get a grip, MJ!" Michelle muttered to herself as she dashed down the hall.

It had been over two months since Ned and she found out that Peter was Spider-Man, and instead of things getting easier the more time she had to process, everything was getting more difficult by the minute.

However, it was not really because of the 'Spider-Man' situation that she was struggling. It was a more subtle bit of information with which Michelle was finding herself more and more flustered by.

"You have such pretty eyes, MJ."

Those were the words Peter had spoken to her when he, Ned, and her had been in the alleyway where they had dragged him to after he splatted onto the road. Michelle knew that he was very loopy when he said it - with major blood loss coming from a head injury - but a part of her wondered if it could have at all reflected some thoughts Peter actually meant. At the time, Michelle had been totally creeped out by it, since she did not know who Spider-Man was. Now, however, anytime she thought about the sentence her heart felt funny - in a sort of good way.

Unfortunately, the more time Michelle had to ponder, the more challenging it was for her to act naturally around the guys. And anyway, she had no clue how she would react if told that there was truth behind the sentence.

But Michelle did seriously need to get a grip - or else the guys would start getting suspicious.


"Something is up with MJ," Peter declared, looking at Ned, who was seated next to him at the table.

Ned swallowed his bite of sandwich, "Sure, she was acting a little strange... but is it really that big of a deal? Maybe she's just moody today?"

Peter sighed, "I don't think so Ned... she seems really off. Something just isn't right, I can feel it."

"Well, maybe you should talk to her then," Ned commented before biting into his sandwich again.

Peter turned to him, "You think so?"


Peter turned back to his lunch, prodding his pasta salad with a fork, "Maybe I will..."

"Maybe you will what?" Michelle asked, plopping onto a chair across the table from the guys.

"Oh, never mind," Peter casually waved it off, "But, uh, are you alright, MJ?"

Michelle visibly stiffened, "I'm fine." She quickly pulled a bag of chips from her lunch bag and became laser-focused on opening it just right.

"That's good!" Ned added, "We weren't sure, because you seemed to be acting a little weird in the hall... But great! Nothing to worry about."

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