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I woke up with a dull thudding in my head, I slowly rubbed my head to release some pain, but it isn't working.

I can smell Arhaan's scent on the pillow beside me and all the happenings of Yesterday came rushing back.

"Oh, God! What did I do?" I mumble to myself and instantly retrieved my phone from the bedside table to see it is around noon presently and then checked if I got a usual morning text from Arhaan or not.

I felt disappointment ripple through me when there was no text from Arhaan.

"It was good while it lasted," I whispered to myself, and a lone tear trickle down my face, Which I instantly wiped off.

"No Maanya, Don't cry, you always knew this was going to happen, you can't blame the guy. Just be thankful that he showed you that you deserve to be loved. He made you a woman with confidence and self-worth." I announce to make myself understand.

Honestly, It hurts a lot. Seeing the man you love leaving, it isn't his fault that my past is so shady. He deserves a woman who isn't tainted or broken. And for sure it isn't me.

I took a deep breath and decided to face my friends.

I stepped outside my door to see afternoon light brightening Aditi's face while she is watching television, Paakhi was nowhere to be seen but the sound of utensils rattling indicated her presence in Kitchen.

I walked inside the Kitchen to see her cleaning dishes.
I loudly stepped past her to grab a glass and gain her attention, but she didn't look up.

After drinking a sip of water I loudly put the glass down but still no reaction from her.

I even fake coughed but no, nothing, she's mad at me.
Then only I see Adi walking in, she saw me leaning on the counter and Paakhi cleaning dishes.

"Umm...Maanu? How are you?" She asks me.

"I'm fine just a little headache," I replied and rubbed my head.

"Have something then I'll get you medicine." She said and walked off.

Have something? What something? There is nothing on the counter and the only one who can cook other than me is angry with me.

"Are you mad at me?" I inquire her.
No reply, "Paakhi please."
I begged.

She turns towards me and for the first time, I saw her looking at me with disappointment and pain.
I'm taken aback by its intensity, "What do you want me to say Maanya?" She inquires dejectedly.

Her Calling me Maanya and not Maanu itself indicates her anguish.

"Something, Anything, I want to know that you are still here." I croaked out. Afraid to lose one more person from my life.

"I'm here. Now if you'll please excuse me." She said and moved aside to walk off.

Before she could leave the kitchen, I voiced out something I was always afraid of, I prayed daily that this day should never come, but here it is.
"I knew  a day will come when you'll be aggravated by my presence."

"Really? You think I'm aggravated by your presence! No Maanya, No, I'm disappointed in myself that I never noticed that you were suffering, I'm asking myself again and again that why didn't you call me when you were condoning ." She said whimpering.

"Oh God, Paakhi, I don't remember what happened, it is just one moment I was okay, and then instantly I started remembering my past," I confessed honestly.

MY HEART CHOSE YOU ✅ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now