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After spending some time with Riya, I returned to my room and changed into my pajamas.

Currently, I'm lounging on my bed with my laptop turning on.
Looking at the screensaver, I instantly recall the similar scenery I visited with Paakhi today.

Unconsciously a smile crawls up my face, she is different from the girls her age.
She amazes me every time with her mature and sensible demeanor.

"I thought you already slept." I hear the graceful voice of my mother.
I look towards the door to see her leaning on it with a smile.

I sit straight when she steps towards me and takes a seat in front of me.

"Just checking my schedule before going to bed," I reply.

"Good, you should go to bed early and take care of yourself." She said soothingly caressing my face.

Instantly my eyes shut, relishing the soothing touch of my mother.

"Are you okay? What is happening in your life?" She asks tucking her legs and making herself comfortable.

"Everything is fine Ma, I'm okay, Don't worry," I assure her.
I know she worries about me and fears that I may leave them again.

"I don't want to lose you again." She mumbles, her eyes portraying hurt and pain.

I quickly hug her and apologize for hurting her, Now I realize how she might have felt when I left them and didn't contact her for 3 years.

"Okay, okay, no more crying, I came here to say good night, and now look at me, I disturbed you." She chuckles.

"No worries, I'm happy to see you!" I reply.

She smiles and still doesn't get up.

"Mom?" She hums.

"Did you came here to talk?" I smile knowingly.

She flushes and I laugh out loud.

"What did he do this time?" I ask knowing well that she's angry with dad.

"You remember how we were supposed to go out today?" She asks.

I nod and she continues, "So we were sitting in his car, deciding a destination when he got a call from his associate. I waited for 50 minutes for his call to get over and then we visited a boutique. I was in the changing room, and when I stepped out to show my dress, you know what I saw?" She asks dramatically.

I'm trying so hard to control my laughter but her actions are so funny that it is a hard task for me.

"He left me there, I was so embarrassed and when I called him he declined my call." She said Huffing.

"He left you there?" I ask amaze, how can he do something like this.

"I'm done with him." She announces.

I know she is really angry this time because dad sometimes prioritizes his work.

"In 28 years, I stood by him in each step creating this empire. But now I need him with me, we have three kids who can take care of business. I need my husband beside me. Him forgetting about me can sometimes be forgiven but not always. " she exclaims.

Seeing her crying makes my heart clench, I know dad loves her the most but just like me, he can't show it. I know mom stood with dad in his struggling days and now she has all the rights to have him for herself.

MY HEART CHOSE YOU ✅ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now