The sleepover part 1

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— time skip 1 week —

Leon woke up " good morning Jess "

" Jessie? " Leon looked next to him

Huh that's odd she's not here

Leon grew worried

He got up front he bed and went to the living room and there she was, in her clothing with a backpack

" what's the backpack for? " Leon asked

" penny invited us to a sleepover! "

" oh nice, when is it? " Leon questioned

" today! " Jessie squealed

" I'm not going right? I'm not that type of person " Leon said

"Oh pretty please leon, you'd love it! " Jessie begged

Jessie stood in front of Leon and said " PLEASEEEEEE " looking up at him ( Leon is 3 inches taller btw )

Leon couldn't help it " fine " he groaned

" ok great! Get ready "  Jessie exclaimed

Leon went to the restroom changed into his shark Leon hood and packed up

" well I hope it isn't boring, at least... " Leon said to himself

Jessie grabbed Leon by the hand

" lets go! " she said

— time skip —

" we're here Leon, look! " Jessie said

A normal house beside the ocean stood in front of them

Jessie knocked on the door

Leon watched as a pirate looking girl opened the door saying " Hey hey hey! How's my bestie doing?? "

Jessie smiled " I'm good hbu?? "

" I'm goo- " penny looked at Leon " and who's this guy? " penny asked

" oh tha- " jessie got interrupted

" your boyfriend? " penny continued

" N-NO H-HE IS J-JUST A F-FRIEND" Jessie said in a blushing mess.

Hearing this also made Leon blush, but his hoodie hid it

" anywho, cmon in guys " penny said

Leon and Jessie made their way inside

There, Leon and Jessie saw Nita, sandy, crow, bea, and bibi

Nita waved to leon

Leon faintly waved back

Jessie and Leon took a seat on the floor where everyone else was

" well do you all wanna watch a movie? " penny suggested

" sure " everyone but Leon replied

The all sat on the couch as penny got the control

" LETS WATCH HORROR MOVIES " penny exclaimed

Bibi said " YES "

Everyone else was hesitant, but it was penny's sleepover so they had too

Penny put on Anabelle

Bibi, penny and crow actually enjoyed it

While Jessie dug her head inside Leon's chest in fear

Leon just watched the movie like it was nothing, constantly soothing Jessie quietly

Nita looked at Leon and internally chuckled

Sandy was asleep on Nita's lap and Nita was just watching the movie not enjoying it nor hating it.

That's when someone knocked on the door, which was alllllll the way on the other side of the room.

" ILL GET IT " jessie cried out, anything to get away from the movie

Jessie headed to the door and opened it and that's when she saw her enemy, Jacky

They both stared at each other before Jacky pushed Jessie and said " hey out of my way, nerd "

Jessie fell to the floor with a thump

Leon sat up and ran to Jessie

He helped her up and glared at Jacky

Then he snapped, he grabbed jacky's arm, hard and said in her ear, " don't you ever touch her again " in a menacing tone

Leon let go of jacky's arm

Leon was surprised at himself, he'd been snapping a lot lately but not when he was with Jessie?

Leon and Jessie went back to the couch

That's when Jacky tapped penny on the back and penny looked at Jacky

" hi Jacky, who invited you? " penny said

" Did you forget I'm your cousin? I invited myself " Jacky arrogantly said

Penny rolled her eyes

" well then guys lets play the sleepover game "
Penny said

" eh? " all the brawlers said

" TRUTH OR DARE " penny exclaimed

" oh " the brawlers said


I finallyyyy finished this

Hope you like it

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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