The garden

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" Jessie, where are we going? " Leon asked curiously

" my favorite place in the whole world" Jessie said

They both headed to Jessie's house

" woah is it this? Leon responded

" no silly " Jessie internally giggled

They both went behind Jessie's house

Where there was a garden door

" huh? " Leon muttered

As Jessie opened it there stood a beautiful garden,
A small garage next to it filled with tools and blueprints.

Leon stood in awe

" like it? " Jessie asked

" yeah " Leon whispered

Jessie went into the small garage and got a blanket, then she grabbed her telescope.

She headed to the middle of the garden where she lauded the blanket down and patted it, as for Leon to sit down on it.

Leon sat on it and looked at Jessie as if expecting she would say something

" I like to sit down here in the middle of the garden and just, well stargaze, it's kinda like a night hobby since I'm the day I do most of my robotics " Jessie said

Jessie sat next to leon and put her telescope down

" take a look " she said

Leon looked into the telescope

He had never seen something more beautiful well other than two things...

Jessie said " look "

Leon then took his gaze off the telescope and looked where Jessie was pointing

That's the brawl stars constellation ( I made it up hehe, it looks like the brawl stars symbol, not the starrpark one tho )

" isn't it pretty? " Jessie asked while looking at the constellation

Leon looked at Jessie " yeah.. " he replied

Jessie looked down as she felt something in her hand

She immediately blushed madly,

Without knowing it, the two were holding hands

She only then realized how " Too Romantic " it was getting

Looking at Jessie all red he looked down at their hands and blushed as well

There was a huge awkward silence

Jessie broke the awkward silence saying, " well, Leon do you have a place to stay tonight? "

" no, not really " Leon said

" well, would you like to stay in my house? I'm sure my mom would say yes... I mean y-you don't have to " Jessie asked

" I would lo- I mean thank you for the offer, I'll accept" Leon said a bit quietly.

And so they both headed to Jessie's home with was really close


Hope you liked this chapter

See you guys next time!


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