"I think you know from experience," JJ suggested.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said reaching into my bag and grabbing the other pack of pretzels I had. "I'm a virgin."

They all chuckled then dropped the subject, focusing back on the case.


"What do you know, all of our victims are very passionate about women not speaking about sex. I checked all of their social medias and all of them have writting multiple long rants about new female rappers speaking profanities about sex and poisoning the minds of young children. Most specifically, WAP by Cardi B and Meg thee Stallion." Penelope said, her search of the internet histories popping up on our tablets.

"What's a WAP?" Spencer asked beside me.

"Oh my poor, sweet, innocent boy," I said, patting his head. "You don't need to know."

Morgan chuckled, and looked at his tablet. "I'll play it for you on the plane back to quantico, Pretty Boy."

"Derek Morgan, don't you dare." Penelope scolded. "Spencer is way too innocent for that, you'll corrupt him."

"He's got two kids on the way, Baby Girl. I'm pretty sure he's already corrupt."

"Uh, perhaps we should get back to the case." Rossi suggested, "I'm sure the young genius' lack of knowledge of the song about dripping female genitalia will not affect the case too much."


"Natasha should go in and interview her." Emily said, staring at the glass the separated us and the unsub.

"Not happening." Spencer piped in, getting defensive.

"Look, just because I read some questionable FanFictions about a band member in college, doesn't mean I'm qualified to break down this unsub." I said, crossing my arms across my chest.

"No, but you do know more than the rest of us." Emily countered.

"From books written by horny teenagers with incorrect grammar, it wasn't exactly accurate."

"It's better than nothing." JJ sighed, siding with Emily.

"Fine. Whatever." I gave in, opening the door and walking into the interrogation room.

"Catherine, why'd you do it?" I asked calmly, crossing my arms and leaning against the far wall.

"They didn't have anyone better to send in? Had to send in the pregnant chick?"

"I had some time to kill, figured I'd come wear you down a little before they send in the big guns." I said looking at my watch.

"I don't see a ring." She said observing my hands. "One night stand gone wrong?"

"Nope." I sighed. "But we're not here to talk about me, we're here to talk about you."

I walked over and grabbed the chair, sitting down and tapping my fingers on the desk.

"Daddy issues?" I asked, and her eyebrows twitched. "Been there, done that."

"I don't have daddy issues." She answered, holding her face cold.

"No?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "Is that why all of your victims were in the same position of power as your dad?"

"You don't know what you're talking about." She spat.

"Catherine relax, it's just two friends talking here." I said motioning between the two of us.

"So let's talk about when you got into bondage. Was it Christian Grey?"

She was silent.

"I mean, the silk ropes were a big thing when that book came out, it just stuck with some people I guess. Terrible choice though."

"Really? What would you use to tie someone up?" She asked, interested in the conversation now.

"I've always got handcuffs nearby, but I'm not too fond of them."

"Why not?"

"I like to keep work and my sex life far away from each other."

"So you and that gorgeous black man out there haven't banged one out in a hotel room after a case."

"I wouldn't dream of it. He's too much man."

"So sweater vest then? You two?"

"Absolutely not." I sighed. "But I did have a really vivid dream about the blonde on time but I'll blame that on the tequila."

"I pegged you more of a vodka kind of person." She said amused.

"Enough about me Catherine," I sighed. "I need to know why you did it."

"No matter what I say, it's not going to change where I'm headed, so why should I tell you?" She asked, getting defensive.

"It was your dad, wasn't it." I said, getting calmer. "What did he do to you?"

"It would be easier to answer what he didn't do, which was to be an actual father."

"I'm going to get a pad and a pen, you write down everything the man ever did to you, and we'll have him arrested."

"Twenty years too late on that don't you think?" She scoffed.

"It's better late than never Catherine." I said, standing up and knocking on the door.

"What I did to those men," she said as I was walking out the door. "Doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what my father would make them do to me."

I gave a weak smile and shut the door, wanting to cry just thinking about someone making their own kid do horrible things.

The entire way back to Virginia I didn't say anything, I just stared out the jet window, the list that Catherine had written playing over and over in my head.

How could anyone ever do that to their own kid? I didn't even want to think about it.

"Natasha," JJ said, pulling me out of my thoughts. "You okay?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "Just wondering why anyone would have kids just to treat them like....that."

"If you spend your time thinking about all the horrors in the world, you'll never be able to enjoy the good things in life." She said, reaching over and patting my leg. "Like hearing your kids' first word, or seeing their first steps."

I smiled softly at her.

"You want to see a video of Henry blowing bubbles in the bathtub?" She asked and I nodded, needing to see something positive after everything that happened today.

This ones short cause I had no idea what to do with it

Sorry :/

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