messy trouble

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After we had eaten, Jake took me to the living room, where he sat down on the couch, with me on his lap, and he said "hey google play the news for me!" And the tv turned on and started showing the latest broadcast. I wasnt really paying attention as the urge to poop came back. This time, i started getting a bellyache and it was bad. Jake noticed me wiggling and squirming around. So he asked what was wrong. I said " i have to poop like right now!" But the presidential debate was on tv so Jake said, ill help you in a bit, but right now i have to watch this. If you really need to go just go in your pants ill change you in a minute, besides the pamper is soaked already anyway. I had a really hard time holding it in, but as this massive paint came back, i thought i would let out a fart, instead i felt a giant mess squirm out into the rear of my diaper. I sat back down as the pain got away, not thinking about the consequences. And the massive goo spread around my pants. I would say i hated it, but it didn't feel that bad, considering i was finally warm again. Ten more minutes passed, and the smell got really bad. But then Jake said "allright the debate isn't that interesting anyway, how about we clean you up, and then we play a videogame". I was really happy about that, even tough the mess actually felt quiet nice. He picked me up, and took me to the changing mat. On the way there, i let out a little bit of pee as well. Now i was truely empty. He put le down on the changing mat, undid the tabs and opened the diaper. When he did so, he took a step back as he said "oof you are a stinky boy". I let out a giggle as i loved the attention. Jake then used the diaper to clean off most of the poo before throwing it in one of those diaper trashcans. He cleaned the rest off with wet wipes. Then he ordered me to lift my legs again. As i did, he put a fresh pampers underneath my butt. Lastley he powdered my parts and taped up the diaper. Picking me up he said "there, that wasn't so bad now whas it?" I thanked him as he took me back to his mancave. I noticed how he took some spare diapers, the wipes and the powder with him, but apon asking he just said "oh thats just incase." Anyway we sat back down but then jake said "i noticed how you didn't look very comfortable in the big seat, how about we put your booster seat in this seat. I immediateley agreed. And not even a minute later Maurice entered the room with a booster seat. It was not the one from the ferarri tough. It was a more childish one. But i didn't mind, its not like i looked very mature at the moment anyway. Jake sat me down in it and turned on the ps4 (ps5 wasn't out yet). After a good five minutes on trying to decide what we should play, we settled for litle big planet 3. That game looked pretty fun. A tutorial, 3 levels and a "bossfight" later it was 8:00 and jake said "okay buddy time for bed". I looked at the clock and said "but it's only 8 usualy my bedtime is 8:30" but jake told me i had a big day tomorrow. On that note he took me to my bedroom checking my diaper first wich to my pride was still dry. Then he tucked me in after putting some pijama's on me. But apon further inspections those pijamas were the type with the buttons on the crosh, so i asked him why he put me in those and he said "they are to keep your diapers in place, and to keep you from touching them." After that he tucked me in and kissed me goodnight.

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