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At the mall we first went to some clothing stores. There i got to pick up some outfits that i liked. Alltough there wasn't mutch choice because i had to look for clothes the size of a 6 year old. After we picked some outfits, we went to a furniture store to get stuff for my room and playroom. There we got a huge closet, a nightstand, a desk, a highchair (because a regular chair wasnt high enough for me to use the desk). We allso got a weird looking cabinet with a mat on it. I didn't know what that was. Dad allso baught some of those safety gates for little kids. I asked him why, and he said "because i dont want you falling down the stairs and getting hurt". On that note we went to the grocery store at the end of the mall (its a weird mall). There, my dad was on a very specific search. His search lead us to the baby isle. There were all sorts of diffrend brands and sizes. I was amazed at how big some of the sizes were. After some time to look for the right ones, jake decided on two packages of pampers size 5, he said "these should fit you just fine". After that we went home. I noticed that we didn't have any of our furniture yet. When we got in the car, i started to feel the urge to pee, but i thougt i'd hold it till we got home. The ride was only 10 minutes, but my urge went from mild, to overpowering. When we got home, jake helped me out of my booster seat, and the second i was standing on the ground, i lost controll. At first i felt a warm feeling around my crosh area, then i felt it running down my legs, and a puddle formed on the ground. Just on that note, jack turned around and saw the mess i made. I started to tear up and said "im so sorry i just couldn't hold it" but jack said "it's okay, this is exactily what the doctor said was going to happen". Then we went to my bathroom to get changed and cleaned up. While jack was carrying me, maurice came behind us with the packages we got at the store, wich he left at the bathroom to go and make dinner. First i took a shower, Jake helped wash, and dry me, then i had to lay down on a towel. I knew the ritual as i wore diapers till i was 8. So i got on the ground and pulled my legs up and grabbed my toes. Jake slid the pamper underneath my butt, then he put some cream on me, and some powder. Both of wich we also got at the grocery store. Then he pulled the pamper up between my legs and taped up the tabs. Then Jake said "there you go, now it doesn't matter if you have to pee or poop, if you want, you can ask me to help you use the bathroom, but its okay if you just use the pamper". I nodded and got up again. The thick padding between my legs made it harder to stand up and walk so i waddled a little. I Asked to put my t shirt back on, and then i asked about my pants, but jake said "no because ill have to see if you need a change and besides, its hot anyway. On that note, the delivery truck for all the furniture arrived. Jake asked if i wanted to help him build the furniture, so i noddet and followed him. While we were installing the things, or rather while jake was installing the things and i was just sitting there, i asked him why he was so okay with me wearing diapers. He responded with "well, the doctor said its something you cant controll, so it would be stupid to fight it don't you think". I nodded and gave him a hug. He asked me why i hugged him and i said that nobody ever accepted me like that before. There was a moment of scilence, interrupted by Maurice asking us what we wanted to eat for dinner tonight. And i said Mcdonalds? Jake laughed a bit at this and agreed. When jake was done with the furniture a phone rang and he said "oh my phone is still downstairs, stay here mike okay" i said sure as i was reading a comic book. Then i felt a veary strong urge to pee. I was considering my options, a. I could find a toilet and open up the diaper or b. I could use the diaper. But i wanted to show Jake i could be a big boy so i started ripping off the tapes untill the still dry pamper fell on the floor, then i tried to find a toilet, but as i entered the hallway, i noticed Jake had already put up the fences. I rushed back into my room to try and find a potty/toilet. But I didn't have the streangth to open the door to my bathroom. As the urge grew too strong, i felt some pee drip out of my peepee. I ran towards the diaper that i left on the floor and held it against me, but most of the pee still ended up on the floor.
On that moment, Jake came in and asked what happened. I explained as i told him about the doors and everything, and he said "ooh thats my bad i guess they close on their own" but then he took a more stern look and said "but we do have to set some rules to prevent an event like this in the future ok?" But it really wasn't a question. He said as he pocked me up: "rule number touching your diaper, only maurice or i can. Rule number 2.if the diaper is already wet or dirty, you can allways use the bathroom, but you have to ask me first. As he said that he put me down on that strange cabin with the matt on it. And as i saw it from above, i noticed they had a similar one in the orphanage for the younger kids. It was a changing table! As i layed there Jake told me:"you know, i really don't want this to seem as if im treating you as a baby or punishing you. I just think that its better for you to get comfortable in this house first". I nodded. Then he told me to lift my legs again. I did and he put a fresh diaper on me. Seeing as my shirt got wet from mee peeing all over the floor, Jake took that off me, and said "well it is really warm so just stay like this for now." So there i layed 10 years old, the size of a 5 Year old, wearing just a pampers diaper. Tjen he took me to his man-cave floor, to the home cinema and asked me what movie i wanted to watch. I asked him wich je had, and he just said all. So i picked star wars ep 6 as i loved the ewoks. While watching the movie i noticed i wasn't quite comfortable, as the seat was too big. And then an explosion happened and the subwoofer scared me. As it went off  I jumped 10 feet into the air, and i noticed my crosh was getting warm. It was just a little tough. As i looked down to the diaper the indicator only had one slightly darker spot. Im sure that no-one could tell, but it did feel a bit damp tough. At the end of the movie, i felt the need to poop, so i told Jake. He took me to the changing table in my room, and removed the diaper saying, oh looks like the subwoofer made you pee a little. Then, he put me on the toilet. But as i sat there, it just wouldn't go. I sat there for a good 10 minutes before telling Jake that i couldn't do it. He said "that's ok, well try again later. Meanwhile this diaper can take some more so ill put it back on." The exposure to the open air made the pee inside alot colder, i shivered a little as he put it on. Then came dinnertime. As i was taken downstairs and put in a highchair at the dinnertable, Maurice came in with one of those metal plates you allways see in cartoons. At first i thaught, oh no he forgot i wanted mcdonalds, but then wen he took of the lid, i was beyond happy to see a full happy meal underneath it with chicken nuggets.

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