The Princess on Move

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A group of skillful musicians was playing a subtle, slow, and enrapturing music behind the flimsy golden curtain separating them from the princess's entertainment chamber. Being the eldest and the most beautiful offspring of the king had its advantages after all. She was provided with the most desirable luxuries of the Hatami empire, finest fabrics to wear, best delicacies one could have ever demanded, priceless jewelry, but those things meant nothing but golden shackles to the princess. Confined within the extravagant walls of the Mahtab palace, all that the princess Inara wanted was to be set free.

Humming along with the soft music, Inara has actually contemplated her plans for the future. Two years. I have two years to secure my life in my hands, she thought, swirling a scandalous lock of her night hair around her finger as her maid, Alina, caressed them with scented, herbal smoke. Exactly after one and a half year from now, the war will be declared on our empire and my father will sell me to that bastard to secure our forces. But can I really change my fate this time? The odds weren't with her. Her path wasn't easy. It seemed almost impossible to escape her ill fate, but Inara wasn't going to die without fighting.

I need protection, first of all.

Inara dismissed the musicians with the wave of her hand, "Alina," she opened her mouth to speak when Alina dropped the burning herb lamp from her hand.

"My... my apologies Shahzadi." Alina's lips quivered as she collected the coal and herb chunks from the carpet.

Alina had always been a timid girl. The life of a maid inside the harem wasn't easy, to begin with. One could be hanged over even for the slightest mistake. Inara's gaze softened as she looked at her. Alina is probably the only person who supported me in my previous life. She sacrificed herself to save me. I must make sure to become powerful enough to protect her this time.

The princess arched her body up from the diwan, staring at her maid, "Alina, leave it and listen to me."

"Yes... Shahzadi," Alina looked petrified.

"You can call me Inara," the princess eased.

Alina looked up at her with disbelief in her eyes, "Shahzadi?" she couldn't believe her ears.

Inara sighed, "I know that you've got a pure heart, Alina and I trust your loyalty towards me. So, you can open up with me and drop the formalities. I consider you as my friend and you don't need to be scared around me,"

"Shahzadi....." Alina's eyes were filled with tears this time, touched by the princess's heartfelt words.

"I told you to call me by my name. I'm in desperate need of a friend right now," Inara prodded, earning a soft laugh from her in return.

"I have no words to describe how generous you're Shahzadi...." She bit her lips when Inara shot her a playful yet warning glare, ".... Sorry Inara..." she continued, "... I can't express how grateful I am to serve you."

Inara gave her a warm smile before speaking, "Ok, now..." her expressions hardened suddenly. "...... I want you to do something for me."

"What is it?" Alina looked back at her with alertness.

"I want you to bring me all the presents I received at my birthday celebration especially the ones which can be sold in a market. Collect something like gold artifacts or pieces of jewelry that can fetch me a good price."

Inara remembered how her father organized a birthday banquet when she turned sixteen. Rulers and powerful rich merchants had come from distant lands to witness the beauty of the alleged mind-numbing beauty of the Hatami princess. She had been extremely elated with the number of valuable gifts she received in her previous life but now she realized that it was all honey trap. She was raised like a princess so that her body can reward her father at a good price. The sole purpose of the banquet was to lure powerful kingdoms by her beauty.

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