"Hey, Will", I greet him as I take a seat at the island.

"Hello, Morgan. How have you been?" He asks.

"I've been okay, thank you. What about you?"

"I've been good", we talk as he cooks, mostly about how Parker is and how Romeo and I have been doing.

"Hey", Romeo jogs into the kitchen a little while later, with wet hair falling over his face. "My mom just texted, she said she's going to come over in an hour", he walks over to sit next to me, kissing my cheek.

"Does she want to eat? There will be enough", Will says.

"Probably", Romeo nods. "She hasn't told me why she's coming so last minute, though", he mumbles, worry laced in his voice.

"Hey", I place my hand over his to stop him panicking. "I'm sure she's fine", I reassure him. He nods after a moment, gripping my hand, gently.

"Yeah", he takes a deep breath. "Yeah—", he gets cut off by the doorbell ringing.

"I'll get it", he walks over to the door; I follow quietly behind. "Mom? I thought you weren't coming until     later—", he stops when he sees Diana, stood on the other side of the door, with tears on her face. "Mom, what's wrong?" He pulls her inside and hugs her before dragging her into the living room. I follow them, taking a seat on the other side of Diana.

"It's your father", she starts.

"Oh", I mutter, lowly. "I'll go", I stand, beginning to leave until Diana stops me.

"No, Morgan. It actually involves you". Say what now

"Oh", I whisper inaudibly, sitting back down. "What's going on?"

"Well, he got drunk...again", I hear Romeo scoff. "And when he got home, he was shouting a load of crap that I couldn't understand", she pauses. "He didn't hurt me. He wouldn't do that".

"I wouldn't put it past him", Romeo cuts in, earning a glare from Diana.

"Boy, let me finish my story", she turns away from him. "Anyway, he was shouting about Morgan. He said something along the lines of 'she's not good enough for our son, she's a liar', and crap like that. Saying you're stupid for trusting her and swearing left right and centre".

"He's the fucking liar", Romeo stands up after a moment. "How dare he accuse her of lying about—god knows what, he doesn't even fucking know her!" He stands up abruptly, grabbing his car keys from the table.

"What are you doing?" I jump up, following him to the door.

"I'm going to talk to him".

"No", I grab his arm. "You can't go there, it's dangerous".

"No, she's right, you can't. He's drunk", Diana rushes over.

"Do you not remember what happened last time?" I refer to when he showed up late from work with a black eye and a busted lip because his dad punched him.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I've handled worse", he leaves.

He said he'll be fine.

Sure, he said he'll be fine but that doesn't stop me from worrying.

"He'll be fine", Diana says, but sounds more like she's reassuring herself. "He's older now, he can handle it".

"Dinner's ready", Will calls out.

"Come on", we make our way to the kitchen, sitting down to eat at the island. After living in Romeo's house for a while now, I've learned that he never actually eats at the dining table unless there are multiple people round, so I guess I've just got used to eating at the island.

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