Chapter 3: Troublemaker

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Present Time

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Present Time...............

"Why can't you just study really hard?" Ava asked

"I tried that last year and I barely passed" Ren replied. They were both standing in the halls of Craigmount High School. Ren never expected her and Ava to become so close. The first time she met her was six years ago, when she came to tell her that her parents were waiting for her. After Ren was attacked by her parents, Ava got her some food and they started talking casually. They became really close in just three months and since Ren had no roommate, Ava moved in.

4 years ago.....

"You can't tell anyone about what I am telling you right now" Ren spoke with seriousness

"You have my word" Ava replied

"My parents are witches. I used to be a part of the Santiago coven but since I had no magic, my parents abandoned me. I know for a fact that I am not human. two years ago when you told me that my parents came to visit me they came to take my memories away from me. I wasn't a human so I still have them" Ren said with the same seriousness. Ava just stared at her lips waiting for a few more words to come out of them. The awkward silence in the room was killing her. Ava's lips crept into a smile and the next second she was on the floor bursting out laughter. 

"AVA!!!" Ren yelled "Ren you are weirder than I thought you were", Ava said suppressing her laughter into small chuckles.

"I wish I could prove this to you" Ren said her with her eyes soon showing disappointment.

"Fine I'll believe you" Ava said not wanting to disappoint Ren "But you better not be messing with me missy!" "I'm not I promise!" Ren replied.

Present Time.....

"You know I need that damn scholarship!" Ren said

"You do know that those are for smart people" Ava said "Like me"

"I'm all out of the money Andrea and Blair gave me" Ren said

"Fine I'll help you. But you have to treat me to some food" Ava said "You got it". Ava quietly crept into their principal Ms. Thomson's office. She signaled Ren to see if people were coming in their direction. Ava put on some rubber gloves and sat facing the principal's computer. Ava was very good at coding and had hacked into some people's phones to get back at them for calling her a loser. Getting the password to the computer was a piece of cake for her. "I'm in" she whispered as she looked through all the folders. One folder read 'Monthly Test Grade 12'. She opened it and and found the exam papers for all the subjects. Ava quickly mailed it to Ren, turned off the computer and left the room.

"Are you satisfied now?" Ava asked

"Not quite. We forgot about the surveillance camera." Ren said

"You mean you forgot about the surveillance camera. Guess who already took care of that?" Ava replied with a smirk on her face.

"Ava you are a genius!! What would I do without you?" Ren said grabbing Ava for a bear hug.

"Let's get out of here before the janitor sees us. Gonna be hard to explain why we are here after hours" Ava said as they walked out of the main door. Ren was worried that they would get caught but Ava trusted her skills. She knew it wouldn't fail her.

"You owe me some food girl" Ava said

"I ain't getting you anything" Ren said

"REN SANTIAGO!! YOU PROMISED ME FOOD!!!" Ava yelled and was ready to jump her.

"Woah there! Calm down! How about some ice cream?" Ren asked 

"I love ice cream!" Ava said as they walked into Mary's Milk Bar. Ren ordered a chocolate sundae while Ava took a cookie dough ice cream.

"Your birthday comes next week!!! I am so excited!!!" Ava squealed

"All I want for my birthday is answers. I want to know who I am" Ren said

"You know in many books that I read the antagonist finds information when they turn eighteen. Maybe it will be the same for you?" Ava asked hopefully

"Somehow I don't think that's gonna happen" Ren said

"Why can't the universe just give you the answer?" Ava asked with annoyance

"I've been asking that for the last six years" Ren replied

"What else do you want for your birthday?" Ava asked trying to change that topic

"I want to pass all those tests with an amazing grade. And now I will thanks to you" Ren said

"Omg! You're making me blush too much! I know I am amazing don't keep mentioning it" Ava said chuckling. Ren just rolled her eyes. This was how Ava always spoke. She didn't care if others called her a loser. Sure she took revenge but she knew in her heart that she was amazing and that's all that mattered to her. Although Ren was not like that. Everytime someone called Ava a loser she'd go and punch them hard in their stomach. She was quite the trouble make but nobody got to mistreat Ava and walk away with any consequences. They complemented each other perfectly.

"So are you gonna use the exam papers to learn for the test?" Ren asked

"Do I look like I need those to get the highest grade?" Ava asked

"I'm taking that as a no" Ren said. Ava looked at her face and noticed that her enthusiasm faded away.

"Ren what's wrong?"

"What if my powers aren't going to help me get my revenge? What if it isn't strong enough? I want them to pay. But it's been six years. Andrea would be stronger for all I know. Will I never get my revenge?" Ren asked with disappointment

"Don't worry Ren! You will get your revenge. With or without your powers." Ava said

"I hope so"

"Trust me Ren. With or Without your powers you will get your revenge. You have my word"

Author's Note: Hey ya'll thank you for reading my third chapter! If you liked my story so far don't forget to follow me and vote on this chapter. Do tell me what you think of it in the comments. I'd like to thank everybody who have supported me till now. I'll see you all next Thursday! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

 I'll see you all next Thursday! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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