Chapter 12: Secrets Unravel

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15 hours ago

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15 hours ago...

I held my hand out below my eyes and took a sharp, steel blade in my other hand. I needed to do this. I had to know exactly what happened. Conveniently, Ren had headed out so I could do this without disturbance. I love Ren but sometimes, I have to do things for myself.

I bit my already chapped lips as I swiftly moved the blade over my arteries. My blood gushed down my palms as I chanted some incantations I spent the day learning about. I had taken precautions so I knew that even if I failed, I wouldn't die. I spent the whole day mastering the heart stopping spell. There were some mice here anyway bothering me so I decided to practice on them. Sometimes, I wonder what made me change so drastically but I know, deep down I'd do anything for my family.

I chanted some words in a language i didn't know. I just hoped that I was pronouncing them correctly.

I inhaled oxygen, ready for it to strike me. In a second, my eyes jerked wide open, almost like they were going to jump out of my eye sockets as my heartbeat's rhythm slowed down it's pace. It grew softer and softer and soon, I collapsed to the ground as my heart stopped beating.


I jerked open my eyes and found myself on the ground. I blinked my eyes a couple of times and found myself in my bedroom; the one where I slept every night before my parents died. I tiptoed my way out of my room and saw my parents holding a beautiful baby girl. My dad held the baby in his arms and swayed it back and forth. I smiled at the possibility that it could be me. She had few strand of brunette hair, and plain brown eyes. I saw my mom's lip move every now and then, her eyes filled with concern. I walked closer to them, knowing that they couldn't see me.

"Lucien we have to keep her safe. We can't let her die" I heard my mom say with fear

"Mikaela I want her safe just as much as you do. But everyone knows about her. There is nothing we can do" My dad said with remorse in his eyes.

"There is something. But we will have to sacrifice someone else's life" my mom said as she looked at my dad with mixed emotions- determination and guilt.

"If it means she gets to love, I'll do anything" My dad said

"We are going to have to give her away. Not for adoption but to another family. They will never see it coming" my mom said as I saw my dad's eyes brighten with understanding. 

I knew exactly what they were talking about. I had a small hunch the whole time yet the thought of them not being my parents shocked me and left me standing still.

"You want to give her to witches?" my dad, or should I say Lucien asked

"Yes. Andrea Santiago, leader of the coven just gave birth to a brunette girl who has brown eyes. We just have to switch them real quick" Mikaela said, proud with her masterplan with maybe a few hints of remorse.

"Seems like you have been planning this for a while" Lucien said 

"We swore to take care of her! That's exactly what I am going to do" Mikaela said as my throat swelled up. I grew up thinking they were my parents. They sacrificed my life for Ren's. They made me live in a shelter when I could have received the love from my real parents. My heart rocketed as I heard faint wails and screams. I could recognize her voice anywhere. She probably thought I was dead. I was angry. At Lucien, Mikaela and Ren. Why was her life more important than mine? Why was her safety more important than mine? 

I jerked my eyes open to see myself in a room filled with blood.

'Oops, when did that happen?' I asked myself as I proceeded to heal my wounds. A few flicks of my hand was all it took. I really didn't want to talk to Ren. Most of me knew that Andrea and Blair were my parents. They even came to visit me a few hours ago but the whole revelation came as a shock to me. I tried to brace myself, I really did but it was like I wasn't in control of my feelings anymore. 

I wanted to know my real my parents as more than just some people who abandoned Ren. The thought of being with family, being loved by them was just too enticing. Ren would probably think I'm being selfish but she never sees things from my point of view.  She was the reason why my life ended up on a shelter. Bethany gave me love but she didn't give me enough of it. She was too busy pampering Ren, whilst she acts like the victim all the time.

I was so sick of her. I was done with her whole 'I had a terrible life' bullcrap. Everyone has seen something bad in their life! She drew all the attention to herself and left me in her shadows. 

I was going to meet Andrea and Blair and hope they wanted something to do with me. They did tell me that they wanted to see me. I knew exactly what Ren was going to do. She was going to cry, to be all dramatic and pretend like I am betraying her. Well, I knew I wasn't and that was all that mattered.

I walked towards her room and heard her sniffle as tears fell from her eyes. I used to be sympathetic for her but now, watching her cry just irked me. She tries to act like nothing phases her and she ends up crying all the time! I just scoffed as I passed her room and made my way to the vending machine. I was going to tell Ren that she was on her own. I was going to go and live with my parents. In my heart I was doing the right thing, but you know what they all say-

Emotions cloud judgement.

Author's Note: Alright, I'm back again. Just spent time re writing this chapter as I wasn't happy with the first one. This chapter is too important you see. Anyways tell me what you thought of it in the comments. If you liked it, vote on the chapter! If you haven't already go follow me cuz I'm epic 😎. In this chapter I was siding with Ava way too much. Was it just me? Hmm I have nothing else to say so I'll see you next Thursday! Byeeeeeeeee!

 Was it just me? Hmm I have nothing else to say so I'll see you next Thursday! Byeeeeeeeee!

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The Lost RevengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora