Chapter 8

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I woke up with the faint smell of death and decay in the air. I tried to move but something got me in a death grip. I looked next to me to see a beautiful girl in my arms. I tried to pinch myself to make sure this wasnt a dream but my left arm was occupied by her head. I tried to move from this beauty because nature was calling and it sounded like it did it through a megaphone. She moved a bit and I froze "mmm master" she mumbled in her sleep. That totally caught me by surprise.  "Did I just hear that or isit my head playing tricks on me again? " I managed to release myself from her grasp and softly moved to the toilet.  Awnsering nature's call I thought of how everything changed in a matter of hours.  I was only looking for a safe place to call it a night and I end up waking up next to a girl. "This apocalypse just keeps surprising me at every turn" I softly mumbled to myself as I flushed the toilet. Hearing it actually flush was anouther amazement to me because running water was a luxury now. I went to check on Jane to only find her still fast asleep. "Hmm ive urned for a shower so lobg now" I said as I walked back to the bathroom only tto remember that I forgot my clean clothes in the trunk of my car.-face palm-"I totally forgot about my car" I said aloud as I walked towards the master bedroom.  I ravaged through the closet and found a pair of clothes that would fit me.

After taking a much deserved shower I came back into the living area only to find Jane sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "Good morning" I said a little to loudly.  She nearly jumped out of her skin with fright. Her eyes were wide with fright but after a few seconds she calmed down again.

" You ok?"

" Yes"

"Did you sleep well? "


I frowned at her and shrugged

A few hours later we had loaded my car with anything we could use.

"Anything you want to take with you that is priceless to you? " I asked as I loaded the last box of food in the trunk.She rubbed her arm clearly uncomfortable. " anything that I have worth keeping would only bring back memories of this goddam place,lets just leave please?" Her voice was pleading me too. "Ok we can leave.  We have everything we can use for our journey." I held open the door for her as she got in,this might be an apocalypse but its no reason to forget your manners. I climbed in and stared the engine.  I looked at her as if to ask if she was sure. She just nodded and stared infront of her. I put the car ingear as I kept looking back in the mirror at what was left of Delmist ranch.

As we left the gates of the ranch it looked like a huge weight was lifted from Jane's shoulders.

As we drove off into the horizon,the sun peeking from behind the mist clouds, I noticed something further up the looked like a blockade. A heavily armed, bandit blockade. A chill ran down my spine.  "This isn't going to be easy"

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