Chapter 4

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It was completely dark when I saw the lights of the house. I brought the car to a stop,switched it off and sneaked to a large rock about the right size to cover my body. I cautiously looked over the stones edge,searching the windows for movement. I stayed motionless for about 5 minuets. When I decided to stand up I heard a loud sound  The sound was so loud I dove to the ground thinking it was gunshots. It took me anouther 5 minutes to figure out that it was my knees. I cautiously sneaked to the nearest window and slowly lifted my head to peer inside. My mouth fell open when I saw rhe motherload of guns laying on a single bed with plush toys surrounding it. Either im going to break in to a crazy persons house who is armed to the teeth or this person has one huge sick sence of humour.

I tried to look in other windows but I guess people enjoy their privacy even when they are in the middle of a apocalypse. I softly growled when I saw that they even drew the curtains in the kitchen window. I crept towards the back door seeing that its open slightly. I thanked the stars and all the other gods for having made this person who cant close doors. I slowly pushed it open only to hear a small creaking sound. I swang my pistol around and ducked behind the counter expecting a hailstorm of bullets. My insane side was kind of furious when all I got was a room full of silence. I shrugged and stood up slowly. My knees tried to fool me again but I knew better.

I saw anouther pistol laying on the counter. I left it there cause of my number one rule." If its not clear, we take no gear" I cautiously walked through the hallway softly cursing because I got the one house with old wooden floors.  When I was halfway down the hallway I saw 4 doors. Hoping there is a separate bathroom because thats one lesa closet to check.

Yeah I have a strange phobia thanks to a house I cleared a few wheeks ago. I checked the closet in some fancy home in a upper class residential area. When I opened the door some old lady jumped me and tried to bite my face off. Thankfully zombied didnt know how to use false teeth so seing it that way she actually tried to gum my face off. After that incident ive always been afraid of closets. Thanks grandma for introducing me to that phobia.

I slowly opened the first door to my right and thankfully it was a bathroom. I made double sure that it was clear. I closed the door, and slowly moved to the first one on the left.

As I opened the door I noticed that I saw the room before.  It was the room with the stuffed toys and little hill of guns. The only thing I didn't see was the ammunition cases. I decided that ill check tue otjer rooms before I check whats in the cases. I cleared the room after spending alot of time building up courage to open the closet doors. To my relief I only found hanging clothing and footwear. I went out the door closing it behind me. Two down, two to go.

I opend the last door on the left and saw that it was the master bedroom.  I cleared it, making mental notes of things and boxes ill have to check. I closed the door behind me and slowly moved towards the last door. I stoped dead in my tracjs when I heard what seems to be soft weeping from the other side of the door. My thoughts jumped back to the days when I played games. The game was called left 4 dead and it had a character in called the witch, when you shined your flashlight on her she woke up from her weeping and always killed your ass. The saying when you hears that weeping was "dont disturb the witch"

I felt the handle and when I opened slowly a small stream of blood came rushing through the crack of the opening door."don't desturb the witch, don't desturb the witch " I softly repeated to myself

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