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I lost track of the time as I stared at the outstretched road that layed infront of me. The sun was sitting high and the mist layed like a blanket over the horizon. My thoughts drifted as I turned the steering wheel a little bit, moving the car to the middle of the road,using the white lines as a guide. "Dam this heat" I thought to myself as I reached over to a bottel of cola that rested on the passenger seat next to the 9mm pistol that I recently found on a dead guy in the previous town.

You see im in a apocalypse. A zombie apocalypse to be exact. It went from a normal day to a total shit storm in a matter of hours. Every one called it necromorphism but it got quickly renamed to zombies by the local folk,or the teenagers and adults who were normally called geeks and nerds.

I took a large swing from the cola and gave a loud chuckle as I thought how a intern at a mourge would have shitted his pants seeing a body he had to do a autopsy on, sit up and nibble his fingers. I would have loved to see the look on his face. I felt the familiar urge of nature calling.

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