Chapter 2

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The car came to a halt on the side of the long country road. I climbed out walked to the nearest tree and opened my zipper and awnserd natures call "woo this is a huge relief." I started walking back to the car then I noticed something further up the looked like black smoke. Only a few things make that dark smoke and I think those are tires burning. "Ill have to be more cautious from here on out" I said as I felt for the pistol

,only to realise that I left it in the car.

I increased my pase towards the car giving myself a mental lecture for taking a leak unarmed. Just as I reached for the handel on the soor I hear a movement in the bushes where I took the leak. I chill ran down my spine as I saw what used to be a little boy. He was crawling towards me gnarling his teeth. The lower half of his body was being dragged behind him by what looks like his intestines. And believe me it smells as bad as it looks. Like how the toilet smells after your uncle has been in there during Christmas.

I grabbed my pistol and aimed it at its head but I decided to spare my limited ammunition. I climbed in my car and drove off.

Being on the road and veeling the vibration of the roaring engine put me at ease. I made a mental note to find a holster for my pistol. I chuckled at the tought of me looking like the terminator and talking with the famous Arnold accent. I headed for the smoke hoping that I wouldn't be alone in this shit storm.

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