Chapter 5

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As I opend the door the first thing that hit me was the smell. The smell of death and decay set off alarm bells in my head, because ther is something else that smell like that too. Zombies. When the door  was halfway open I almost jumped ouy of my skin when a bloody hand dropped lifelessly infront of me. Taking deep breaths to prevent myself from shitting my pants I poked my head through the opening to see what was attached to the other side of the hand. What I saw made me puke in the hallway.

You see living in a apocalypse allows you to see things that cant be unseen. I thought I saw it all and didnt puke everytime I saw a zombie walking around with its guts hanging out. I thought I strengthend my stomach against all this gore,but then I saw the room.

I feel sick just recalling the images. The room was filled with body's.  Most of them missing libs and heads but whilst I was puking I recall that I saw a figure sitting in the corner. My humanity returned to me making me act without thinking twice.  I wanted to see if the figure was alive. I rushed in the room with my gun drawn. Then the real smell hit me.  The one I smelt at the door was a granade compared to a nuke. I would have puked but there was nothing left in my stomach.  I kicked a severd hand that fell on my shoe. It made a thud sound against the wall, drawing my attention to it. The sight of all the blood against the walls made me feel sick again. The dark red of the blood against the white walls made it look like someone sprinkled white paint on a red wall. My attention was quickly drawn to movement.  It was the figure I saw earlier.  It was a young woman,in her late teens,with torn,blood soaked clothes. She had long black hair coming to her shoulders and blood covering her body. Then I looked at the huge hunting knife she had cluched in her hands. I tried to speak "He.he.hello? Are you alright? " thinking to myself that it was a dumb question to ask seeing that she sat alone in a room with corpses surrounding her. She looked up at me with red eyes, tears running down her cheeks. This is not gonna end well I thought to myself.

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