Chapter 18

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*Half way Threw the tour* Roberts POV - I was back stage with Amy and The crew while Austin Took the stage with his last song "Amy What Do you Think Of a vacation?" Dave asked "What kind of vacation?" She asked " How about you ask Robert! He wants to take you!" Dave said looking at me "What? Really?" She said looking at me to "Uhmm Yea I wanted to surprise you after the tour but I guess I can tell you." You said "Babe where are we going?" She asked "a Cruse!" You said "Babe You are So cute! Is it just me and you?" She asked "Yep! Just for a week me and you!" You said "Great as soon as we get back I'm packing for the trip!" She said kissing me "Austin! How was the crowed?" Asked Maddi "Loud!" He said out of breathe "Jake Said we Have Two more shows After this and that's it for the tour!" Alex said "Two more that's it?" Paula H said sad at the same time "Yea And Then Its back to the old house with Everyone!" Dave said "Not everyone!" Maya said "What You mean Maya?" Austin asked confused "Robert and Amy are going on a cruse after tour!" She said cuddling Zach "Cool! How Long?" Austin asked "Just a week." You answered "Great! Don't let the boat sink like titanic did!" Austin said trying to scare Amy "Not Funny Austin!" Amy said throwing a pillow at him "Kidding kidding Have a great time you guys!" He said drinking water like he was dying. Two more shows then a cruse can't wait to be alone with Amy!

Amys POV- Rob And I are heading on a cruse in a week I can't believe we will finally be alone for a week! "Hey video games and movies on My Bus tonight!" Jake said walking in "Sweet! And a sleep over?" Zach said/asked "Hell Fucking Yea!" Jake said still pumped from the show "Great Let's head out and get our stuff girls!" Emily said "See you at the Bus Butt Head!" Maya said to Zach Playing with him "Alright Beautiful!" He said kissing her "Babe come with me!" Maddi asked Alex "Sure love!" He said interlocking their hands "Babe Save Me a seat On the Bus?" You asked Robert "Don't worry about the seat you have me!" He said cocky smiling "Oh Okai!" You said smiling like an idiot "Come On Guys!!!" Emily said "Coming!" Rebekah called they walked to the busses and packed for over night."Hey Amy what do you and Rob plan To do on the cruse!" Emily asked me while evil smiling "I don't know and quit with that smile!" You said hitting her with a pillow "Come on You guys Are almost 6 Months and you haven't yet!" She said "And I don't think I will anytime soon! When he wants to then I will!" You said caring out your sleeping bag "Come on we Have a sleep over to go to!" You said "More then a sleep over!" She said Robert and I never wanted to have sex we just wanted us to be us and we don't care for that he loves me and I love him.

Zachs POV- "Zach can I talk to you?" Jake asked "Sure man." You said "I wanted to ask you know Emily better then me and since her and Lucas Broke Up if you can talk me up to her?" He asked "Bro Emily is Great but I'm not the one to help in that kind of thing. Maybe Maya or the girls can Help. But me I don't know Man." You said "Man I'm Not blind she's like a little sister to you she's closest to you then anyone! Can you please help me!" He begged "Fine I'll see what I can do!" You said "Babe!" Maya said walking on the bus "Over here!" You called over "Hey Jake!" She said "Hey Tiny!" He said "Hey let's play some games!" Maya said "Let's do it!" Jake said He has a new world coming to him when it comes to Emily.

Austins POV - I was playing Games with Zach and Jake when Everyone finally came Great we can leave now "Hey Austin Some ones outside for you?" Amy said "Who?" You asked "Some Girl." She said sitting on Robert. I walked outside and I didn't see anyone "Hello?" You said "What no hug?" I Turned around to see Gina " Babe!!!" You yelled "Hey cutie!" She said hugging me tight "What are you doing here?" You asked " I got off work for a week and came to see you!" She said "best surprise ever! I missed you!" You said picking her up and walking in the bus" Guys look who's here!" You said excited "I flew her out so we know!" Jake said smiling "What?" You asked "Surprise!" Everyone said "thanks guys!!" You said pulling Gina closer to you. God I missed her.

Roberts POV- I had Amy laying next to me on the couch watching After Earth its a Bad Ass movie so far "Babe?" Amy said "Yea?" You whispered "Not to make this Awkward But Uhmm...When we get Uhmm....To the cruse Besides Everything Else.....-" she whispered but I finished "Amy When you want to Then we can But I'm not gonna unless you truly want to.." you whispered "I want to I just didn't know if you wanted to." She said "When we are alone then we can and when you feel the moment should be then we can.." you told her she smiled then she kissed me "Get a room!" Austin said "No Don't Get a room!" Dave said being protective "Dave their gonna share a room on the cruse let it goooo!" Alex said "Alex!" He said "Dave Chill Out I'm Not 13 anymore I'm 18 so if I Sleep with my boyfriend-" Amy said But Dave cut her off "LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU!!!" He said covering his ears "Awwwww Daves scared to hear me say SEX!!" Amy said shouting when saying Sex "Amy have you and know?" Zach asked "DUDE!" Dave Alex Austin And Jake said at the same time I felt my face turning red "Robert Keep it away from her!" Dave said "Dave!" Amy yelled "What? He hasn't Yet Has he?!?" He said "No I haven't and Its her choice if she wants to." You said "Let's change the subject of my sex life!" Amy said Upset "Awkward!" Maya said "Very!" You said That was the most awkwardest Convo we've ever had.

Amys POV - I want to murder Dave just for that and then I wanna strangle Zach for asking! Ugh why must I be the one to get Put on blast "Alright Guys we have to get up early tomorrow so...Go to bed!" Dave said like a freaking dad "Alright Good Night Guys!" Jake said "Come on Babe we are sharing your bunk." You said "I'm in the middle" he said I climbed into the small bunk and so did Robert I was next to the wall and Robert was on the outside we faced each other so we could talk and have a little room "Babe I'm sorry for What Dave said.." you said "Hey its OK he just watching over you like he promised your mom." He said "It was not right he shouldn't have put us on blast like that." You said "Its alright Amy. I'll still be with you I promised you Forever member." He said kissing my nose "And A life time more." You said smiling like crazy I turned over to face the wall I felt Robert put his arm around me not a second later "Goodnight My Angel!" He said kissing my shoulder "Night My Love!" You said falling asleep.

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