Chapter 11

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*2 Weeks Later* I walked out of my room to Daves Room "Hey Cuz I wanted to know if we can go to Orlando this weekend?" You asked "Kiddo I don't know if we can Austins Busy with stuff and Everyone would want to go." Dave said "But Dave I'm Asking You couse I want a family day just You and Me." You explained "That Sounds Fun But I can't I Have to stay with Austin to protect him.."AUSTIN!!!" You yelled "What? What happend?!?" He asked running threw the door "You guys wanna hit up the parks in Orlando This weekend?" You asked "Yea I think I'm Off This weekend!" He said "Yaya so its A Plan Were going to Orlando!" You cheered but truth was I wanted to See my Mom Orlando was 45 Minutes From were I grew up. I couldn't wait to see her my Mom said My sister Brittany Was bringing her Daughter Payton to visit I couldn't wait for Robert to meet all of them.

Roberts POV - "Babe were gonna be in Orlando this weekend!" Amy said with excitement "I can't wait!" You said "Dude You know Amy use to live like 45 minutes away from there right?" Alex said/asked "She did?!?!" You said in shock "Oh Man!" Maya said "Dude she might take you to meet her Mom!" Zach said "Better dress nice!" Gina said "Make sure you be polite!" Maddi said "This is gonna be a long weekend!" Andrew said Dayleen hit his shoulder "Shut up! You butt!" She said "Rob just be you and She will love you like Amy does!" Dayleen said making me feel better "Austin What are you guys gonna do?" You asked "Well ride roller coasters and play games and eat food who knows what else!" He said "Nope you guys I want everyone to meet my mom and Dave Aunt!" Amy said "You guys are my family now and I want my mom to meet you guys we leave tomorrow for a four day weekend!" Amy said "Kiddo Aunt Joanne May not want a lot of people over." Dave said "Dave stop being a buzz kill mom said its cool and she wants to meet them to!" Amy said Four days in Orlando can't wait!

Austins POV - *In Orlando* We just cheeked in to the hotel were staging at this weekend I shared my room with AC Maddi and Gina and Zach And Rob shared with Maya and Amy and The rest was spread out "Hey Austin Amy said tomorrow were going to her old house for a cook out with her family so let's hit the parks already!" Gina said "Let's do it!" You cheered "Yo AC wanna come?" You asked "Let's go!" He said pulling maddi with him we went walking around the parks all day Gina won. Stuffed tiger and a Princess crown then put it on me. "Austin!" Yelled like 7 girls "Can we have a autograph and a picture?" One asked "Sure anything!" You said I took pictures and sighed their arms for them "Yo Austin!" A familiar Voice called out "Jake!" You said bro hugging him "Hey man I preforming tonight at Universal come see the show!" He said "I'm down and I'll bring everyone with me!" You said "Great Man Hey tell Amy I said Hey and hopes she's Okay!" He said before walking away "What he mean By Is Amy was okay?" Alex asked "From the party he was there when The Drama started." Gina said "I'm Hungry!" Maddi said "Yea me too!" You said "Let's head back and order pizza!" Gina said "Yee!" Alex said we walked back to the hotel I was still in the crown Gina Put on me and I didn't mind wearing it!

Amys POV - "Was cuddling with Robert when Austin Came in "Yo Jakes Here he invited us to his concert tonight wanna Go?" He asked "Hell Yea I do!" You cheered "Great get ready!" He said walking out "Amy what are you gonna wear?" Robert asked "I don't know yet Why Babe?" You asked "I wanna match that way people know your mine!" He said he the cutest! "Okai hold on let me look!" You said going threw your bag of clothes "Babe! Imma wear a red crop top with sun bleached high waisted shorts!" You told Robert "Pick out my outfit babe!" He yelled from the shower I Picked out his red tank top and his camp pants for him. Zach and Maya came in From dinner "Hey Guys get dressed we are going out to a concert tonight Jakes here and invited us!" You said "Yee My dude!" Zach said Maya picked out a really cute out fit she wore a shirt that said hipster please and red skinny jeans with a black leather jacket and combat boots Zach wore a pair of denim jeans and a white shirt with like 20 chains "Babe Pass me My clothes." Robert said "Babe put your pants on I need in the bathroom I gotta do my hair!" You said "Come on!" He said holding the door open I walked in there and turned the curling iron on "Babe you look amazing!" Robert said holding from behind kissing my shoulder He had his shirt off holding me "Baby girl you smell like candy!" He said still holding me I could just melt! "Babe you Need to keep that shirt off a lot more!" You said with a cocky smile "Well if I could I would all the time just to hold you in my arms and to see the face you make!" He said with a smirk "What face?" You asked "You do this face wear you close your eyes and just breathe in air and try to hold on from falling apart!" He said "I do not!" You said laughing my iron beeped telling me it was ready "Curl the back for me babe?" You asked "Anything babe!" He said he curled my hair in the most perfect way. I finished my hair and walked out the bathroom with Everyone waiting for me "Let's go!" Zach said as we walked out to the concert.

Ginas POV - We left for the concert I left Austin to walk with the girls I was holding on to Maya And Amy while Madi and Dayleen Emily and Rebekah walk chained to one another " Gina! Come on!" Dayleen said taking off running "Last one to the concert is a sore loser!" Zach yelled I took off running When I felt my self being lifted in the air "Austin put me down!" You said while laughing "Get on my back!" He said I got on and he took off running "Hey that's cheating!" Madi yelled "get on my back!" Alex told her "Babe Carry me !" Amy told Robert Zach had Maya on him and he was gone! Zach won and Andrew was Last with Dayleen I Hoped off Austin and he wrapped his arms around me "Yo Guys!" Jake yelled "Back here!" He said waving us back stage this is gonna be epic!

Amys POV - I was Holding Roberts Hand walking back stage when I felt someone pull on me "AMY!!!!" Jake said pulling me in a tight hug! "Hey Jake!" You said "I want you to come on stage with me during one song and sing it with me!" He said super fast " What?! Really??" You said confused "yes!" He said smiling really wide "Jake I don't sing that good-" He cut me off "I don't Care! Your gonna sing!" He said "Fine what song?" You asked "Day WithOut Your Love!" He said "Your Lucky I Know the song Lyrics!" You said punching his arm "Imma go get dressed you look great By The Way!" He said giving me one last hug "Thanks See ya!" You said walking to find Robert and the Crew "Babe!" Robert said waving me over to him "Hey babe!" You said kissing his cheek "What did Jake want?" He asked "oh I wanted to tell me I was preforming with him tonight!" You said trying to keep clam! "What!?!?" Austin said excited "He wants you to sing tonight!" Gina said "Congrats Amy!" Madi and Maya said at the same time "I can't wait to sing!" You said Robert still hasn't said anything he looked more scared then me he was staring off some where when I seen Alex looking at the same place! I can't believe he's here........

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