Chapter 16

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Jakes POV - I went to my room and just paced back and forth I wanted to just keep Amy away from Rob but the way his eyes looked he was Hurt that she thought that about him Amy was like my Baby sister I don't want no guy to hurt her well all the girls are like that to me. My phone went off I had a text from Austin.

Austin- She forgave him. She said she needs to talk to you she just left so she might be there soon.

Me- Thanks.

I threw my phone on the bed and just walked around.

Amy knocked on the door a few minutes later "Hey!" She said "Hey!" You said back "Jake...I wanted to thank you for helping me...I know I must have been a bitch to you and you may have scars from me...but I just wanted to come and thank you for being my friend and brother!" She said "Amy I'll always be here to help. Any of you guys I'm here. If he hurts you again call me I'll kick his ass next time!" You said with a chuckle "I will and if he hurts me Dave will kill him! He already told him he was like I won't hold back!" She said while laughing "Go get some sleep you look like shit from crying." You said playing with her hair "You don't look any better I must have kicked the hell out of you!" She said hitting my arm "Yea you kinda did! Rob was lucky the guys were there to hold you back!" You said "Yea he was! Well goodnight! Love ya!" She said walking out. She's so Strong!

Austins POV - I was talking to Gina when Amy came in "Hey Monkey!" You said sweetly "Hey Tiger!" She said back "Was up!" You asked "I wanted to ask if it was okai I stayed with you tonight since you don't have a roommate? And Robs with Dave Alex Maddi Zach and Maya share a room Andrew And Jake have one room both Paulas have their room and Emily and Rebekah have a room!" She asked "That's Fine I don't mind." You said "Thanks I just don't want my own room." She said "Hey you alright?" You asked "I'm not sure.." she said "Do you need to talk?" You asked concern "Can we later?" She asked "Imma get a shower." She said "Alright imma Practices some songs!" You said getting your guitar. I was playing heart in my hand when I heard Amy singing "SHE COULD BE HALF WAY AROUND THE WORLD I GOTTA FIND THAT GIRL I GOTTA FIND THAT GIRL AND I WONT STOP TILL I'M HERS I GOTTA FIND THAT GIRL I GOTTA FIND THAT GIRL WHERE DID YOU GO WHERE DID YOU GO I GOTTA FIND THAT GIRL" she sang at the top of her lungs I played with her voice and she started to laugh when she heard me playing to her singing "If I Get a second chance for us we'll have a second chance for love I'll keep on searchin I'll never give up I gotta find her gotta find her I just got to see her again" she sang she sounded like she loved to reach high notes I heard her get out "Austin Can you play a song and sing for me?" She asked "Sure what song?" You asked "I'll Be!" She said "I'd love too!" You answered as I played she sang with me. She walked out hair still damp and with her pajamas on "Thanks that's one of my favorite songs ever!" She said sitting on her bed "What was that song you were singing in the shower?" You asked "Its an unknown band called The boy Band Project (p.s go look them up if you haven't yet their on youtube just type in The Boy Band Project) and the Song is Called Find That Girl!" She said "Its an Amazing song!" You said "Right I love that song!" She said excited "Amy you really are a talent to watch out for!" You said "What you mean?" She asked "Your voice is drop dead amazing! I have to watch myself or I might forget were best friends!" You said "Hahaha Austin that will never happen!" She said we talked for hours she really is a great girl!

Amys POV- I was sitting in the room with Austin just talking he kept my mind off everything "So What's going on in that head of yours?" He asked "I feel like Dave's gonna Kill Rob and I feel like some thing or some one is following us." You said "Amy Robs fine he just needs to get Dave to trust him again! And Mikes still out there and so is his Bat shit crazy friend Dalton. I think they will do anything just to get you back. Their just the fucked up in the head!" He said making silly faces every time he called them bat shit crazy. "But it don't feel like they want just me.." you said "What do you mean?" He asked "I feel like they want all the girls..." you said playing with your thumbs "He won't touch none of you girl as long as the guys are with you guys!" He said "Thanks Austin! Hey you look sleepy wanna Go to bed?" You asked "Yea I'm super tired!" He said "Goodnight Tiger!" You said "Night Monkey!" He said. I fell asleep not to short After. * Next Day * Today was the concert in New York and I was sick and scared to death of what was gonna happen tonight "AMY AMY AMY!!!" Screamed Austin "OH MY FREAKING GOSH!!!" You said jumping up! " EMILYS GONE!" Austin screamed running to me picking me up and caring me to the bed room! "What's going on!" You asked "Mike...took.....Emily..he said if I word he'll kill me!" Rebekah said crying "He took her! And said if he can't talk to you no one can!" She said "I'll kill him!" You said "Jake cancel the concert I need to find Emily!" You said pissed "If he wants me fine but I want my bestfriend back!" You said "Babe I won't let you do this!" Robert said "To bad I'm getting her back! And I'm the one he wants he'll get me!" You said walking past everyone.

Emily's POV- I felt blood on my face I felt dizzy he tied me up to a pole "What do you want with me!" You asked "Amy!" He answered he was sitting in a conner just him and me "I'm not her if you want her fight for her not kidnap me Dumb ass!" You said pissed "I would have if she didn't have That Fucking Pussy ass boyfriend and his friends!" He spat his words at me. His phone was ringing he answered it

Him-Hello Beautiful

Person- let her go!

Him- come and get her and she's free


Him- Amy ill do that on one condition.

Amy- What!

Him- leave Robert for me.

Amy- fine but I want her out of your hands now or I'll never come back!

Him- she's free

Amy- goodbye

He looked back at me and smiled "She finally sees I'm meant for her!" He said holding the knife in his hand "She said let me go!" You said scared "Don't worry you will be free!" He said he walked be hind me cut the rope "stand up and walk out before I change my mind!" He said I didn't look back I walked out the door and once I was out I took off running.

Roberts POV- "Amy you have to leave me?" You asked "I'm sorry but he said he won't let her go if I don't and I have to go to him." She said not looking me in the eyes "What do you plain on doing?!" You asked "I'm gonna have my phone on and its gonna be on call to 911 when they track him he'll be away from me forever!" She said sure of her self "Babe what if he hurts you?" You asked "He won't he is obsessed with me!" She said "I trust you take my phone too and have it to call Austin I wanna make sure your safe!" You said pulling her to you and kissing her cheek then forehead.

Amys POV- I left Robert just standing in his room I walked down to the elevator I opened the door to what I may have never see again. "Emily!" You cried she fell into my arms holding me crying "he's A fucking retard Amy.." she said "I know I dated him!" You said crying and laughing at the same time. "Jake,Austin,Guys!" You called out Robert was the first out the door "She's back!" He said "Mikes so fucking stupid he fell for it!" You said "I knew he would no ones that stupid to let the victim go before he has his prize!" Jake said "Wait what's going on here?" Dave asked confused "I tricked Mike into taking Emily and releasing her before he had me little did he know she has a police tracker on her showing where she was when he kidnapped her and after he let her go she took off running and the police caught him not a second After he set Emily free." You explained "So you tricked us all to get ridded of Mike?" Mama Mahone asked "it was the only way I only told a few who could carry the plain out with me." You said "And with out you guys We would not have gotten him arrested "Hey thanks to Austins idea we would still be stalking you like crazy!" Maya said "So Jake we got the concert tonight let's do sound check!" You said cheering everyone up "Let's go!" He said jumping up in the air excited "We'll take Emily to her room." Mama and Dave said "See you soon Hun!" You said saying goodbye to your best friend.

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