Chapter 10

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Alex's POV - we walkes in to the house and say everyone awake and just chillin "Hey Guys!" Said Andrew "I'm gonna Take Austin up stairs." Zach said "What happened to Austin?" Gina asked " I dropped a weight on his foot.." Amy said "Oh my gosh does he need to go to the hospital?" Asked Maddi "Im gonna go check on Austin.." Gina said walking up stairs "Hey what else happend?" Dayleen asked I told everyone what happend and told them about Mike showing up "What a creep!" Dayleen said sitting next to Drew on the couch "Amy don't go now where alone he might kiddnap you!" Drew said "I won't I Promise you that!" Amy said "Yea couse I'll be with her if not Zach Or the rest of us!" Rob said I wondered how Austin Foot was it looked bad.

Austins POV - I was laying in my room on my phone when Gina Came in "Hey How's the foot?" She asked "Better. Still hurts." You said sliding over so she could sit down "Austin Can I tell you something?" She asked "Sure! But first I wanted to say something!" You said "What is it?" She asked "I wanted to tell you I find you Amazing Funny Cute and a lot more I wanted to tell you I liked you from the day on the beach! And I wanted to know if you would like to go on a date with me?" You said nervous "Austin you like Me! I was gonna tell you I like you too!" She said with excitement in her voice "Is that a yes?" You asked "Of course it a Yes!" She said I grabbed her hands pulled her to me and wrapped her in my arms "So what do you want to do since you can't move?" She asked "Well I wouldn't mind cuddling and watching movies with you!" You said kissing her head "Sounds like a date to me!" She said looking up at me with a smile I couldn't help but smile her eyes shined the most beautiful green sad was lovely in every way!

Amys POV - I was sitting on Roberts lap laying on his chest I was thinking about what he said to Mike he really does love me "Babe what's wrong?" He asked "I was thinking about what you said to Mike.." You said "Everything I said was true." He said "Robert I love you!" You said still laying on his chest "Amy I Love you!" He said kissing the top of my head and making Circle motions in my back "Hey let's play a game!" Cheered Maddi "What game?" Asked Dayleen "Truth Or Dare!" Zach cheered "Cough 'Cheerleader' Cough!" Alex said laughing "I don't wanna play.." you said "Imma sit out with Amy.." Rob said "Man it won't be the same with out you guys!" Maya said I looked At Robert and he motioned his head to upstairs. I could us a nap.

Roberts POV - I walked up stairs with Amy to My room she jumped on the bed and found a soft pillow to hug "Babe you know what's better then that pillow?" You said "Idk what?" She asked "Me I'm a lot softer to cuddle with!" You said climbing the bed and pulling her close She was out as soon as she wrapped her arms around me "Amy you Can't hear me but I haven't loved no one like I love you in forever the way you get my heart beating with every smile and every laugh I can't imagine anyone I would love more then I love you!" You said "Babe You really do love me don't you?" She asked "More then the moon can hold!" You said "I can't see myself with anyone then you Robert!" She said kissing my neck "I truly do Love you Amy!" You said "I Honestly love you Robert!" She said I fell asleep holding her hands and her near me.

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