The Final Stretch

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Time was approaching for the birth of Orochimaru's child. Jun was in a state of misery from her enlarged state, but she admitted too, that she could barely contain her excitement.

"Jun, are you awake?" Orochimaru murmured in the dark from their bed. A heater was going within the room as well as them being bundled up with blankets. Jun moaned from her position, sitting up.

"Unfortunately. The baby isn't stopping at all and my back is crying." She yawned. Orochimaru moved over from his position on the bed so he could rub her back while laying down.

Jun sat up and threw a kunai at the wall nearly hitting the shadowy form standing there.

"Speak! Who are you?!" She commanded, Orochimaru in defense position as well.

"It would seem I have come at the wrong time." The shadow smirked, looking down at the tile floor of the room. Jun moved her foot back realizing the ground was wet from a pool of blood and water. A jutsu symbol disappeared from the ground.

Then the wave of pain hit. Jun grimaced, gripping her largely swollen stomach as she fell to her side on the bed. She screamed out as Orochimaru threw over a kunai just as the invader began his chase.

"GO!! I'll be fine! It's just what we practiced, right?" Jun's breathing was tense but she nodded with reassurance.

"Lock yourself in the bathroom and try to keep quiet. I don't know how many are here. I'll be back as soon as a I can!" Orochimaru rushed out, slamming the door to their room. Jun dragged herself in pain into the restroom, a trail of blood following as it poured from below and her nightgown.

She reached up from her position of sitting to shut the door and lock it. She panted, hunching over her belly as another wave of contractions hit. "Oh dammit..." She whispered to herself as she bit the sides of her cheeks to hold her screaming in.

She clambered into the bathtub and slid the curtains closed as if it provided some extra protection. She sighed a little, still panting. She wanted desperately to be in water but the ninjas were masters of stealth. Any sound could raise alarm.

She bore down as the contractions grew closer together. She panted softly, inhaling in the short periods between. Jun was terrified.

"Rochi~I do not wish to deliver this child alone....Help me please!" She thought to herself.


Orochimaru finished off a ninja.

"Why is it so quiet now? I'd think they'd bring more than just three. Wait! Jun! It was a setup!"

Orochimaru sprinted down the hall towards their bedroom.


Jun bit down on her tongue as she started a bit of pushing. The pain made her body shake and rack with silent sobs. She needed to scream. Another wave of pain sliced inside her. She shook her head as she sniffed with sobs and whines of pain.

The door to the bedroom creaked open slowly as a shadow crept in. The figure pulled out a machete as he reached for the door after searching the room.


Orochimaru panicked. There was no sounds, of course he told to be silent, but he couldn't help things.

He entered the room and saw the figure crack the door quietly after picking the lock.


Jun felt the final wave coming. It was now or never, she didn't notice the shadow approaching the curtain as it raised its machete. The pain came and Jun opened her mouth and shrieked with pain. The screams drowned out the figure just as Orochimaru reached him, defeating him in the bedroom.

Orochimaru panted as he dealt the final blow and the screaming stopped, replaced by a new noise.

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